How do I make a midheaven persona chart?


Well-known member
I recently discovered persona charts and has the nine persona charts available but this does not include a midheaven one. How do I make one?

Usually, the persona thing is applied to actual planets and not points on the chart.

However, if you really want to do it... all you have to do is note the degree of your MC.

Then, cast various charts for the next time after your birth that the Sun was in your Midheaven sign, until you figure out when the Sun passed over the degree of your Midheaven. Then narrow the time until you get the exact degree.

That's basically all these charts are. They note when the Sun first goes over the point a natal planet occupies, then call it a "persona" chart.


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IMO, you can use a persona chart to define anything more specifically. But be sure to only pay attention the the relationships of the BIG POSITION of the persona chart. Everything else is fluff.