Anyone experienced in reading Solar Return Charts? (Just had a B-day)



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Well-known member
You can see it as a momentary transit that kind of remains throughout the year, but in a faint way. I don't use them very much at all because I haven't found them as revealing as transits or progressions, so I won't try and interpret yours. But one thing i would say is if there are any 'hot spots' in your birth chart that receive harmonious aspects in the Solar return, it could be a good year for dealing with the hot spots to some extent. By hot spots I mean something like a personal planet in an undeveloped element, or a close hard aspect involving a personal planet, or perhaps a strongly placed 'heavy' like Saturn or Pluto, whatever aspects it makes.


Well-known member
Hi. I haven't got any time now, but just from a glance at your chart, the Sun and Mars in Leo in the 8th house squaring Pluto feels potentially quite hot to me! It doesn't show on your chart, but Mars is closely semisquare Chiron and the trine from Saturn won't necessarily be very helpful if you have any Saturn issues generally. Its a very fiery chart, with sagittarius rising ruled by Jupiter in Aries. With this in mind, I wonder how you Moon in Mercury opposition Neptune meets its needs. This opposition could also be a 'hot spot' if it struggles with all the fire, and if Neptunes idealism and yearning for dissolution is undermining your need to feel connected (Moon and Mercury in Cancer).

I'm sorry I don't have any time to look at the Return Chart, but its not my thing really, anyway so I probably wouldn't be able to help much with it.


Well-known member
I support the notes of miguar and would like to add a few notes.

You look first at what natal house is rising. Thus your natal 11th house is rising so 11/5 axis is focus.

You do look at the ruler of the ascendant and look at its aspects.

If you want to go further you look at the strength of those planets and if those aspects reflect aspects in your natal chart.

There are several examples. Venus in the natal chart aspects sun, Jupiter and uranus.

In the solar return venus is again in aspect to sun, to jupiter through the sun, and to Uranus ( there may be others) but these tell us that this energy will manifest itself in the new year.

A trick I learned too that helps me is comparing and blending charts. So how do 11th ad 1st house energy blend. Your natal 11th manifests itself through the first and you go around the two charts thus exploring how the solar energy manifests your natal.

Too what is at the top of the chart, what is most visible to others or prominent in the chart will be emphasized. This can be either natal planets or solar. In the solar return the most visible is natal mercury and moon are close to the solar MC on the 9th house side. And solar sun and venus are in the 10th house side.

Meanings can be blended too. Sun can mean you or your health or ego or ego focus but also can represent males, fathers, men.

Venus will represent loved ones or money or you as it rules the ascendant.

With libra rising you will take on personality characteristics of libra such as presenting as harmonious, balance as a focus...maybe a balanced diet...

A few other comments are moon and sun often represent male/female relationships. A challenge of sun and moon or square of the two does represent some level of conflict interpersonally. The moon can represent your emotional focus and jupiter expands whatever it aspects thus there is an exaggeration on the emotions.

The two conjunct the 8th house cusp thus an emotional focus and expansion on husbands, partners resources.

Hope this helps...

there are a lot of threads to explore this and apply them to your chart.


Well-known member
That's really intersting stuff Gemini59 - I'll come back to that post next time I need to look at a Solar return chart. Do you find them helpful and illuminating? I'm reluctant to get into them, partly because I'll then be wondering if I should be looking at Lunar Returns, eclipse charts etc. too. Partly its because of fear of information overload.
Solar returns

All solar returns are about ‘potential’ as is the natal chart, but we don’t always fulfil our potential, whether it’s due to ‘other people or unforeseen circumstances’ or a choice of two things and maybe possibly making different choices meant you didn’t fulfil that potential in this Solar return.

I don't read SR's as stand alone cos you can get far more information from bi wheel, it can give a natal planet an opening or expression by conjuncting SR Asc or MC for example and any SR planets conj natal planets are important to.

when selecting a solar return chart from astro in Extended chart selection it's important to select 2nd option 'with houses' as this will put the degree onto planets and Angles --

The house in which the Sun falls in the SR chart is the birthday month's forecast and influence, and each house after is the following month, since the Sun transits at the rate of one sign or house per month. Each house is treated as events in that month, and the sign and planet ruling the cusp influences the outlook for that month. The chart is used like a clock, with 12 months on its face instead of 12 hours. As the Sun conjoins or aspects other planets in the SR, it will generate events

Lastly, for something 'major' to happen, it should also be reflected in your transits, progressions and possibly solar arcs. So don't ignore these methods in favour of JUST solar returns

The house in which the Sun falls in the SR chart is the birthday month's forecast and influence, and each house after is the following month, since the Sun transits at the rate of one sign or house per month. Each house is treated as events in that month, and the sign and planet ruling the cusp influences the outlook for that month. The chart is used like a clock, with 12 months on its face instead of 12 hours. As the Sun conjoins or aspects other planets in the SR, it will generate events