Parent’s chart w/ Asteroid of their Children’s Names


Well-known member
I’ve been having a lot of fun with asteroids lately. While we don’t know a lot about many of them, I’ve been playing around with names of ones that might hold relevant to the person whose chart I’m looking at.

For those of you who have children, where do any asteroids with your children’s name or middle name show up in your chart?

What about your parents? Where does your name asteroid show up in their chart?

Here’s a list of all asteroids...your name may not be on there but there’s a fair chance it is. You can use use control+F if you’re using a computer to search or “find on page” on your phone:

My middle name is conjunct my mom’s IC by one degree and is in the same sign as my sun.

My friend’s sons name conjuncts his IC within 1 degree.

My uncle’s name’s asteroid is in the same sign as his sun and conjuncts his dad’s NN.

My mom’s name asteroid is in the same sign as her sun and conjuncts her mom’s Saturn.
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