12th House and AC Synastry- intensity


New member
Hi guys,
Be great for some help there is guy I have a thing for, a crush but at first I couldn't even tell if he even liked me, but now I think he does... we do some intense synastry aspect.
I don't have his birth time

Yet his Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars are in my 12th house.
His Venus in conjunct my AC by 1 degree orb. Does that make it 1st house as well as 12th house?

Also his Sun and Mars touch my AC 3 degree orb & 6 degree orb. (are they to wide)

I'm a Libra and he is an Aries. (the guy is so shy and lacks confidence- yet Aries stellium! ) but he is always looking at me, sometimes we lock eyes in groups and he smiles at me for so long, its like none else it there! Other times I can feel an intensity from him.
His Venus is Opp my Lilith by 0 degree orb
his Sun is Opp my Lilith by 1 degree orb
his Mars is Opp my Lilith by 4 degree orb

My Sun conjunct his Pluto by 0 degree orb

We also each have both Lilith conjunct Pluto 2 degree and 4 degree orb.

My Moon is conjunct his Sun my 8 degree orb
My Moon in conjunct his Venus by 6 degree orb

It's so hard to read him he goes so hot and cold.
any help with any of these aspect would be great or advice why so much intensity between us or is it all in my head? lol :unsure:

P.s So sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum