[URGENT] Will I meet my future wife outside of the country someday?


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Do you think it will be this way?


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Staff member
Horary is the only kind of astrology that could give you an answer to this question. Natal astrology has way too many variables to be able to predict anything this specific. If you don't believe in horary, fair enough, but that means you can't use astrology for this question.


Staff member
Why is it urgent?

Venus who rules your Desc is in Sagittarius in your 1st. Conjunct Pluto which disposits your 12h NN, and also conjunct Jupiter. So, maybe so?

Sure, those things could mean you meet your wife in another country. They could also mean that you marry a foreigner who lives in your country. Or you might marry a professor. Or an archaeologist. Or someone who's just plain happy-go-lucky. Or any of a number of other things Sagittarian with a touch of Pluto.

That's what I mean by natal astrology has too many variables.


Well-known member
Agreed to some extent, Osa. The activity is in questioner’s 1st which I don’t know, suggests partner will be found while following one’s own life path? ;-)
12th NN/Rahu with dispositor conjunct 7th lord Venus and Jupiter do sound like a foreign spouse in Vedic astrology though. Kind of system mixing to be sure but there are repeated indicators.
I like how we suddenly changed a natal chart into a horary chart :biggrin:


Well-known member
Agreed to some extent, Osa. The activity is in questioner’s 1st which I don’t know, suggests partner will be found while following one’s own life path? ;-)
12th NN/Rahu with dispositor conjunct 7th lord Venus and Jupiter do sound like a foreign spouse in Vedic astrology though. Kind of system mixing to be sure but there are repeated indicators.

David Starling said the same thing to me, he said I would find her in my career path.


Well-known member
Agreed to some extent, Osa. The activity is in questioner’s 1st which I don’t know, suggests partner will be found while following one’s own life path? ;-)
12th NN/Rahu with dispositor conjunct 7th lord Venus and Jupiter do sound like a foreign spouse in Vedic astrology though. Kind of system mixing to be sure but there are repeated indicators.

So you believe I'll meet the lady of my dreams in a foreign country?