d9 Ascendent


Well-known member
Does any married couple know if their navamsa d9 chart is the same as their other half's ascendent in their d1 chart?

For example, I am Gemini ascendent with Sun in Scorpio, Venus in Sagittarius and Mars in Libra and Jupiter in Pisces.

My d9 ascendent is in Aries.

Now my boyfriend, is an Aries ascendent with Sun in Sagittarius, Venus in Scorpio, Moon in Scorpio and Mars in Libra.

His d9 ascendent is Gemini.

I found this information really fascinating!


Well-known member
Presuming an accurate birth-time, navamsha (D-9) will be consulted side-by-side with radix (D-1) chart, to evaluate not only the material but also the inner psychological dynamics of marriage.

Accurate predictions require concurrence between material (d-1) and psycho-emotional (d-9) configurations. Normally there is reasonable concurrence in the two perspectives. However, when the navamsha and radix spousal indications are contradictory, there is usually to be found a public/private split in which things look on the outside (d-1) much different than they feel on the inside (d-9) in the marriage.

By and large there is also a matching pattern between:

your navamsha and the partner's radix

The partner's navamsha and your radix

your navamsha and the partner's navamsha

Moon linkage plays a major role

These D-1-to-D-9 links show the issues on which you two partners are spiritually working together. Traits which are dormant or subordinate in partner-1 will be alive or dominant in partner-2. Thus each partner "mirrors" the other's arising consciousness, and facilitates spiritual growth by evoking astral imagery into real world action.


Well-known member
Wow, I was expecting such an informative reply, thank you!

We both are very very alike, unfortunately I entered my Rahu antardasha in November and things went out of control. We are still in contact, but there doesn't seem to be any mutual love. The rahu antardasha has affected both of us. Venus is still retrograding, coincidentally I messaged him, things went good, however contact has gone off the radar again. I am patiently waiting for Jupiter antardasha in November 2017 as I am predicted marriage during that period and so is he, so I'm wondering what the future will hold for both of us.