Rising sign/whole chart facial and physical features


Well-known member
You switching back a forth with both charts is quite confusing though. If Cap Rising and North Node Cancer are in the same chart...
I use my sidereal only. I was making a refrance to a previous post I'm sorry. In my sidereal chart I have a cancer and a Capricorn node a Capricorn mars and a Capricorn Uranus. I resonate with these placements, more than there tropical counter parts.
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Well-known member
I have come across a revelation that proves most of you right... I revived my tropical chart, i have a Sun moon midpoint in Scorpio, in this chart my sun and moon are repressed this was the reason why i was craving Scorpio, i had it but couldn't see it. The rising sign is biased off a suggestion on the fact that maybe i didn't agree with my chart due to the fact i needed to use my spiritual rising time not my time of birth. This would give me a Sagittarius rising, Jupiter in Aries, Mars in Aquarius, and Saturn in tarsus opposite 3 degrees to the MP.
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