Will I get this job that I interviewed for?

Neptune Rising

Well-known member

Moon is the job
You are Venus

Saturn is sitting right on the ascendant and rules the 4th house, this makes me doubtful. But, Moon just left conjunction to Venus, so maybe you already have the job.

I would think its more of a 'no' though due to Saturn being a hinderance on the ascendant.

Venus is also void, about to change signs, maybe this shows an upcoming change...

Is there a 2nd interview?

Let us know, and I hope you get it!


dr. farr

Well-known member
(Following is part of an ongoing test of the experimental Walis Magic 8 Ball astro - divination method and is not standard horary; following uses whole sign house format)

Since this is now a known outcome question, what would the Magic 8 Ball have predicted?

-I myself would have used the Part of Employers as significator (moon+saturn-jupiter; in old times this was called the "Lot of Lords & Masters"): this Part falls @ 19 Cancer: since Cancer posits the South Node (as True Node) then according to 8 Ball "rules" this = a (correct) "no" answer to the question
-many would have selected the 10th house for significator (as Neptune Rising did); the 10th whole sign house also = Cancer, so if the 10th had been selected this would also have = a (correct) "no" answer by the Magic 8 Ball method...