Need Serious Input on Struggling Career


New member
Read my chart please - Need Serious Input on Struggling Career

My Details are as below :
Dob: 24th September 1980
Time :1.29 PM
Place : Calcutta, West Bengal, India
Gender : male

I changed my job in Apr 2018 (after being in the same company for 8 years) and right after that I became a victim of new company 's treacherous hiring policy. When I first got the offer letter in February 2018, I was offered a position /Designation similar to my previous assignment (I've been in managerial position since Aug 2015) but one week prior to my joining date, the role was changed to lower Designation (citing company merger) but my offered package remained the same. Since I had no other offer at that point of time, I had to take this.

Since last one year, I'm being compelled to work in a role which is lower than the roles I have performed in the past but I'm getting paid more than ever. But this Designation loss is killing me and in serious depression wondering if I'll be able to regain my position. I've been searching for a new job but failed to get one to my mind and missed few opportunities as well. I'm on the verge of quitting my job and in serious fear and depression.

Points I'd like to highlight :
1) although Ketu Mahadasha put me through lot of turbulence, but it gave me professional growth (other than this loss) and monetary benefits.
2) I've a history of being underpaid

Questions I have:

1) when will I get a new job?
2) will I be able to regain my lost position with the job change?
3) overall career as I'm stuck in similar jobs for very long and about to quit



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