What direction will I move to next year?


Well-known member
My solar return shows that I will move next year. I really want to move out West, but what does this say?


My significator is Moon in the 5th.

According to Debra Holdings website, the 5th house represents the nnw direction. This is how it is read for lost objects, so I do not know if I have done it correctly.

The moon is in fall and in the via lasivia, which shows a very bad situation. It accurately describes me currently. I am disabled and receiving disability from the government.


Active member
You would not use the same methods to read a chart on lost objects, as you would to read a chart on moving or travel.

I have not found instructions on casting a chart for help with the question about where to move -- some say (eg CHristopher Warnock ) that you must ask the question about each particular location where you are considering moving to, and see what the chart says.

If you cast the question as one having to do with traveling, you can use the instructions William Lilly gives on pg 431 of Christian Astrology-- "To what part of heaven the traveler had best direct his journey." THis is a 9th house question as it has to do with presumably long journeys.

I see no reason though, that one could not similarly ask an horary question about "what part of heaven the individual had best direct his plans for a new home" and make this a 7th house question under the same instructions as Lilly gives for the journey question.