Vedic astrology and the Aquarian age


New member
What do the Vedics think of when the Aquarian age is? What's up with them Vedics?


I have been searching & talking about Aquarian Age with many Vedic astrologers, but the fact is most of them are unaware of it. I am yet to find one Vedic astrologer who knows about Aquarian Age or even the Precission of the Equinoxs.
forgive my ignorance but i thought that was the significance of the date 12-21-2012, the date the mayan calendar ends and a new one begins in age of aquarius, ushered in by a magnificant alignment of planets. Havent seen a chart on that date yet but would love to.


Well-known member
i did read a lot about this and at one point i had too many doubts.
i read that moon will quit earth's radius and another 'sun' will start appearing which will play moon's role in astrology like controlling our minds, water bodies on earth etc.

so if that happens, few terms and calculations in astrology need to be redefined

i'll try to publish articles once i understand what exactly happens in aquarian age

can someone explain me a basic question?

why was piscean age = dark age
and aquarian age = new age

what has pisces to do with darkness?
infact none of the descriptions said about pisces or its lord jupiter or neptune is about darkness
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Active member
I asked myself the same question.

I guess it has to do with the fact that Piscis is the sign with the most chaos and entropy. Prisons, hospitals, deep emotional problems. These ideas in a planetary scale are about being imprisoned, trapped in the dense waters of the collective unconscious.

So we had wars, rigid social systems, all trapped in rigid economic materialism. Most people was caged and captive in their own dark emotions and acting in consequence.
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Well-known member
why does different people calculate aquarian age differently.
what is its exact period and how to calculate ages?

david starling

Well-known member
Imagine the Tropical zodiac with its 12 equal, constructed Signs rotating through the Sidereal zodiac with its 12--two spoked wheels, one turning within the other. Now use the First Point of Tropical Aries as the Age-indicator for the Sidereal zodiac. Each time the spokes of the Tropical wheel line up (coincide) with those of the Sidereal wheel, the First Point of Tropical Aries begins moving through a Sidereal sign, and that sign's Age begins. The location of the First Point of Tropical Aries is measured to the nearest second of arc--we know exactly where it is. What we can't agree on is exactly how to locate the spokes of the Sidereal wheel. And, due to the extremely slow movement of the First Point of Tropical Aries, even a small difference in where the Sidereal signs are placed on the Zodiacal constellations results in a large difference in when an Age begins. So, it's just a matter of opinion on how to locate 12 equal signs on the 12 unequal constellations that
causes the disagreement.


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