Most Compatible sign for Leo?


Well-known member
Stay away from Saggy moons, Suns, Mercs, pants etc. You can't handle the swag, man.

Sagittarius I can handle, but they aren't really my type :3


You could do well with a Sag type who has earth and/or water prominent. much Aquarius? I think they would be a little too hands-off for you, what do you think?

Leos admire Librans, and Leos honor and respect that which they admire. Librans can use Leos, as highly valued beasts of burden.



Well-known member

You could do well with a Sag type who has earth and/or water prominent. much Aquarius? I think they would be a little too hands-off for you, what do you think?

Yeah, a Sag with a bunch of air would be really....

I think Aquarius would be a little bit too hands off, but if they had their Mars and Venus in Pisces, and maybe like a Moon in Taurus; it would work out really well.

I want a Libra to use me.


Well-known member
Why do you like Libra?

I don't know. They love luxuries and popularity just like Leos. It's the perfect relationship. They both love to be in love and to receive love. The only difference is that the Leo takes and the Libra gives; it's literally perfect.
I dunno if Leo's need Aries as much as Aries needs Leo, but from an Arian perspective, I'd love to end up with a Leonine personality (although I knew a Leo guy once who almost put me off Leo's cos he was like a stag on heat eugh).

As for the moon compatibility, it's funny that sag moons would be drawn to Pisces moon...I didn't think that would work.


Well-known member
I don't know. They love luxuries and popularity just like Leos. It's the perfect relationship. They both love to be in love and to receive love. The only difference is that the Leo takes and the Libra gives; it's literally perfect.

Says who? Lol.

I think in general they could work. For you, however, I don't know...

david starling

Well-known member
What do you think of Aquarius sun, moon Pisces and Aries rising for my perfect combo? Or Aries sun, Pisces moon, Gemini/Aquarius rising

Need to know where you have Venus and Mars. I have a feeling you're going to "click" with him, so Astrology might not be necessary, but it will be an intriguing combination.


Well-known member
Brief explanation for Leo with the signs

Leo + Aries = Passionate, but both are too selfish. Maturity and compromise from both signs would make this relationship perfect. They would energize and encourage each other. They wouldn't get bored and would help each other grow as humans.

Leo + Taurus = Leo would get bored of taurus because of a tendency to do the same **** everyday. Taurus would find Leos demands ridiculous. This couple, however, would be known as a stylish and fashionable couple with a fine taste for the luxuries.

Leo + Gemini = Good romantic relationship but Leo would get bored with gemini's fluffy words. Gemini keeps Leo stimulated and Leo keeps the positive vibe with gemini. Makes for a good friendship I think.

Leo + Cancer = Pretty good. Leo may hurt cancers feelings though and Leo wouldn't understand cancer's sadness or protective nature.

Leo + Leo = There can be only one king

Leo + Virgo = Virgo would point out all of Leos flaws, which is opposite of what Leo wants. Leo sees virgo as someone who can't see the forest for the trees and utterly fickle.

Leo + Libra = Match made in heaven; the ultimate "everyone talks about them" relationship. Tendency towards superficiality and shallow bonding but who cares right??

Leo + Scorpio = Both would try to control each other and that wouldn't work, but would be super passionate. Hawt healthy sex though that's for sure. They could learn a lot from each other.

Leo + Sagittarius = Really good relationship, but may be short-lived. Better off as BFF's.

Leo + Capricorn = Power couple, but capricorn would get sick of Leos spending habits and immaturity and Leo sees cappy's nature as too serious.

Leo + Aquarius = Compliments each other. Aquarius would be too detached for leo though, and Leo would be too affectionate for aquarius. Much potential for a fun relationship with all the crazy random **** that they could do together.

Leo + Pisces = I think this would be pretty good. Leo could direct and keep pisces out of the lazy dumps. Pisces appreciates leos affection and idealistic nature. Leo would get frustrated with Pisces being in la la land though.


Well-known member
Why would it not work for me?!!!

You have a good deal of cardinal in your chart. Someone with Libra would be squaring half of your planets and angles by sign if not by aspect. If the Libra has Scorpio, which many do, then they'll square your Sun and Merc in Leo. This is not the ideal situation. A Libra Sun with Virgo and Leo could work somewhat better.

graay ghost

Well-known member
You have a good deal of cardinal in your chart. Someone with Libra would be squaring half of your planets and angles by sign if not by aspect. If the Libra has Scorpio, which many do, then they'll square your Sun and Merc in Leo. This is not the ideal situation. A Libra Sun with Virgo and Leo could work somewhat better.

Does this sort of logic make people with splayed charts in general more difficult to get along with?


Well-known member
You have a good deal of cardinal in your chart. Someone with Libra would be squaring half of your planets and angles by sign if not by aspect. If the Libra has Scorpio, which many do, then they'll square your Sun and Merc in Leo. This is not the ideal situation. A Libra Sun with Virgo and Leo could work somewhat better.

Oh yeah true; I do have a lot cardinal in there. I guess Libra wouldn't work for me ):