Is the total power of one's natal birth chart the higher the better?


Active member
While looking up my dominate planet, I came across something called simple chart delineation by Walter Pullen.

One section of it is about the "power" of signs and planets in one's natal birth chart -
This chart has a total power of 627.1.

What I wanna know is
1. How does the site come up with these exact numbers for the positions and aspects?
2. What total score is considered as average?
3. Theoretically speaking, is score the higher the better?
4. What is the full score for each position and aspect, 100?

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
You could send him an email and ask him these questions directly:

What better person to ask than the creator of the program himself?

After talking a leisurely scroll through his interesting material, click his hyperlink name at the bottom of the page and shoot him an email.
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