Does your descendant describe your partner


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Lorielle said:
Like Francesca, I am attracted to Cancer men.. My Mars is in Cancer in the 5th.. And I plead the 5th. :)

Lol, I've got a female friend who seems to take a liking in me.

Now I have her chart

- she's a Cancer

- and it happens she has Mars in Cancer (she likes Cancer types?)

- in 7th (Mars in 7th, so she likes Arian types; Cancer in 7th, she likes Cancer types?)

- Moon and Venus in Gemini (not sure what the role of the moon is here, but I guess it would indicate she has Gemini emotions and behaves in a Gemini way in a relationship?)

While I have

- Moon in Cancer (I'm a strong Cancer type)

- in 7th (I'm attracted to Cancer types)

- Venus in Aries conjunct Mercury (I like Arian types/am an Arian type/like Gemini types?)

- and Mars in Gemini (I'm a Gemini type in a relationship?)

Lol, I'll ask her in a few hours what type of guys she falls for, macho's or sensitive types (she already remarked that I'm a sensitive type).


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my descendant is in Saggitarius, so I am attracted to freedom and adventure loving men, who are also quite individualistic, and are different from other men since they are unique and original. Sometimes I think why I am not attracted to some more 'easy to handle' types - but than I remind myself that my descendant is in Saggitarius...

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Gemini DC, no planets here.
Taste for Gem boys when younger, but have decided Caps are more my style.
Mars in Cap, strongest planet in my chart., plus
serious Saturn conj. Mercury, sextiled by Mars.
So we see I like hardworking, subtle dry humor,
well read, a bit rebellious...That's about right, lol

Oddly...Aquarians always approach *me* first, sensing the Venus/Uranus energy easier than others since it's hidden in the 12th.
Oh, and my last 2 stalkers have had Venus conj or opp. Pluto...Yikes!


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Thought I'd revive this pearler of a thread with some descendant astrology I hadn't yet seen...

Cancer Descendant
If Cancer lies on your Descendant, you're looking for a love mate who will free you from the emotional chains you lock yourself up in, someone whose warm, affectionate and protective nature will melt your chilly reserve. Since you have Capricorn Rising -- a Sign that signifies a need for control, caution and accountability -- you need a partner who gives freely of their love and their attention. You don't take much time for yourself because you're so worried about keeping up with your obligations, but you instinctually seek out lovers who pamper and spoil you, but who are also somewhat emotionally needy in their own right. When you fall in love, you tend to do so slowly and cautiously, fearful of losing control of your destiny; you'd be most content with someone with whom you can start a family and share a secure home.

Scorpio Descendant
If Scorpio lies on your Descendant, you're seeking a torrid romantic partner, someone with whom you can get very intimate. Since you have Taurus Rising -- a Sign associated with perseverance and stubbornness -- you seem to the world quite in control of your appetites and passions. Behind closed doors, you're craving intense, lusty encounters, profound and complex connections and unrestrained emotion expression. When it comes to falling in love, you put on a brave and diligent face, sizing up your potential mate, assessing their physical beauty (a high priority for Taurus Rising) and material worth. Once you've got a lover in your sights, though, your defensive layers peel away like skin off an onion, your simmering emotions and passions heating things up in no time. A partner who is somewhat possessive and intense, someone keyed into your ardent desires will make you the happiest.

Pisces Descendant
If Pisces lies on your Descendant, you wish for a romantic partner who is as tuned into the universe's rhythms and to the joy and transcendant possibilities of love as you are. Since you've got Virgo Rising, people often see you as serious and meticulous, as needing to quantify everything and be in control, someone who enjoys being needed; you may seem like the type who views love as way to security rather than as a mystical and exciting experience. When it comes to falling in love, you are at first hesitant, cautious and businesslike, quantifying your potential partner's qualities to discern whether or not they're worth your time. But it's all quite to the contrary once you're intimate with someone; in love you're actually looking for someone with whom you can share intense emotional connections and perhaps a common spirituality, someone who can read your mind and intuit your needs. A mate whose open mind and heart will free you from fears or reservations will make you the happiest.

Gemini Descendant
If Gemini lies on your Descendant, you're searching for a partner who will help you to see the trees for the forest, someone who will deflate your rhetoric with their keen view of reality. Since you have Sagittarius Rising, you have a tendency to want to roam the world endlessly, to continuously question your life's path and explore your every whim and curiosity. Being tied down frightens you, and you instinctually seek out partners who will make you aware of the smaller picture, someone who will want to keep moving around as much you do. When it comes to love, you paint with broad strokes, idealizing the notion of love and expecting your lovers to live up to your high intellectual expectations. You'd be happiest with someone vibrant and youthful; they must mentally stimulate you yet not congratulate you for your occasional arrogance and preachiness!

Libra Descendant

If Libra lies on your Descendant, you're searching for a romantic partner with an even temperament and a sense of inner harmony. Since you have Aries Rising -- a Sign associated with aggressiveness and action -- you seem to the world quite spontaneous, bold and assertive. Beneath the surface, though, you're a soft-hearted romantic who yearns to meet that special someone and settle down. Coupledom -- even with all its inherent benefits and aggravations -- profoundly appeals to you, the idea of sharing your life with one person resonating in your soul. When it comes to falling in love, you may at first seem blasé, too preoccupied and busy with your own dynamic lifestyle. You may even warn your potential mate of your roving eye or your need for freedom; once you've got their ear, though, you'll reveal your heart's true intentions. A mate keen on marriage and building a family will make you the most satisfied.

Aquarius Descendant

If Aquarius lies on your Descendant, you aim to meet a romantic partner who will expose you to life's rich variety, a true individualist and independent. Since you have Leo Rising -- a Sign associated with imperiousness, drama and positivity -- you seem like someone who requires much adoration and attention. You give the impression that you want a mate who will coddle you and cajole your powerful ego. To the contrary, though, you're actually looking for a relationship partner who will step back when necessary, giving you a break from all the attention you're always receiving. When you fall in love, you do so with an open heart, showering your new mate with lots of gifts and affection; once you've got their attention, though, you reveal your true desires. A mate who is eccentric, active, intelligent and inspiring will make you the happiest.

Capricorn Descendant
If Capricorn lies on your Descendant, you aspire to meet someone who is successful, honest and dignified, a romantic mate whose gifts to you go beyond flowers and foot massages and more toward fiscal security and unswerving devotion. Since you have Cancer Rising -- a Water Sign associated with emotional sincerity and the maternal instinct -- you seem to desire someone whom you can baby or dote on, someone who will only intensify your tender vulnerability. On the contrary, you're actually seeking a partner who is more mature than you (you may in fact marry someone a bit older than you!), someone on whom you can rely, someone to dote on you! When it comes to falling in love, you seem to lead with your heart; once you've got a potential mate's attention, though, you pull out your checklist of desired qualities and assets. A partner of status who is serious, established and ambitious will best suit you.

Taurus Descendant
If Taurus lies on your Descendant, you yearn for a romantic mate who can offer you a sense of material comfort and stability, someone dependable and reassuring. Since you have Scorpio Rising -- a Sign known for its obsessive and secretive tendencies -- you seek out someone whose calm and comforting nature will soothe your fears and build up your confidence. You aspire to create harmonious, affectionate relationships, possibly to deflect the mysterious and sort of dark energy you seem to attract because of your mysterious Rising Sign. When it comes to falling in love, you really only give yourself over once you know that a potential partner possesses a reliable source of income and a balanced temperament. You may even feel the urge to delve into your mate's past to make certain what they're telling you is true: And this includes peeking at their bank statement and investigating the histories of past relationships!

Virgo Descendant
If Virgo lies on your Descendant, you desire a mate who is selfless in their service and dedication to you, a lover who will provide unwavering reliability and stability. Since you have Pisces Rising, others see you as dreamy, emotionally pliable, submissive even. Consequently, you may feel you need a mate who can anchor you in reality and clue you in when you're overlooking important facts and clues. You need someone who is pragmatic and astute, alert to the world's perils and possibilities, someone who will keep you on your toes. When you fall in love, you do so with your heart open, your idealistic romantic notions bared and vulnerable; it wouldn't feel like love to you if you were guarded. Though you seem to enjoy having your head in the clouds, you're actually craving structure and security, the kind of certainty that comes from routines and habitual behavior.

Aries Descendant
If Aries lies on your Descendant, you're seeking a love partner who will stimulate you, someone dynamic and assertive. Since you have Libra Rising -- a Sign known for its indecisiveness and caution -- you feel as though you need someone who's resolute in their actions. You crave relationships full of fireworks and surprises, so expect that, with whomever you attract, you will experience some spirited conflicts and misunderstandings. It's in your nature to fall quick and to fall hard, impulsively wrapping yourself up in someone's life before you even take a moment to consider the consequences of the union. You may also marry on a whim. With the combination of impetuous Aries on the Descendant and romantic Libra Rising, you could wake up single in the morning and find yourself hitched in Vegas by nightfall!

Leo Descendant
If Leo lies on your Descendant, you're hunting for a mate who is as gregarious and sociable as you, but who possesses the sort of resolute confidence and emotional expressiveness that you sometimes feel you lack. Since you have Aquarius Rising -- a Sign associated with aloof intellectuality and humanitarian interests -- you need a mate who will counter your self-deprecating pride with their own brand of pride -- of a more effervescent, positive variety. You hold your own in the spotlight, assured and well-spoken. When the attention turns to your love life, though, to sharing your most intimate emotions with another person, you run and hide, fearful of being pinned down or caged; and yet you instinctually seek out romantic partners who are steadfast and loyal and who will worship you and spoil you with unconditional support and affection.

Sagittarius Descendant
If Sagittarius lies on your Descendant, you're searching for someone who has not only the same intellectual nature as you, but also the focus and stamina to turn their innovative thoughts into direct action. Since you have Gemini Rising, people see you as intelligent but also a bit brisk and lighthearted, not too keen on delving beneath the surface or advancing past the initial fun stages of things. You seek out a mate who will take you deeper, who will allow your expansive mind the space it requires, someone with whom you can share the rather idealistic beliefs you keep hidden beneath a cool, glib exterior. When it comes to love, you're flirtatious and spontaneous. You tell potential partners that you need your freedom, that you can't be tied down to one mate forever (and you'll likely marry more than once), but you actually feel the most liberated when you're in a secure relationship.
She is such an excellent Astrologer Miss Saturn, I totally agree with everything she says. :D ;)

Hey Howl the description of my Pisces Descendant sounds a lot like me, I am very cautious in approaching love. I do need to be needed in my relationship. I didn't like it when my partner's mum cooked him a meal before he left from visiting her, because I was going to cook for him. I can be critical to my partner but I do it gently I hope.

Shining Ray


Well-known member
I wonder if it does?
I am an aquarius ascendant so a Leo Descendant.
aqua 28D has north node 227/mars4/jupiter 15D
taurus has moon 21D
Leo has south node
virgo has Saturn Retro 6D
sagi has mercury 11 D
capricorn has sun 5 and venus 21D

My first husband was a mentally sick person. My 2 nd one was love of my life-but it broke up after birth of our daughter 20 years ago. Noone else has ever come in my life.
any Karmic connection?


Well-known member
Yes Aquarius, you are right. 7th house alone can not be the only indication. Mars for a women, Venus position for a Man are to be taken into consideration as well. 7th house can just as well be the way you are with your partner or, what sort of qualities you would like in a partner. The partner you get does not necessarily have those qualities found in the 7th, but maybe seen from your Mars, the sign it is in and the aspects Mars makes.


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dear star link
I did not understand this part of it.
I have a Leo which is my descendant house. I have aspect of Jupiter on it-but also aspects of north node, mars as well. what could it be??

in another case the acsendant is Virgo with south node in it. in pisces which is the descending house, there is Jupiter, North Node and venus-so how do we interpret either of these?



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Dear Ashakamath, In order to understand what you mean, I need to know a bit more. You tell me that your descendant falls in the Leo sign. This means that your Ascendant must be Aquarius. You write about a Jupiter, Mars and north node aspecting the 7th house (Descendant).I need to know what sort of aspects they are, otherwise you cannot tell. Is Jupiter conjunct the 7th house? (you mention: "on it"). The place where the North Node is found is considered to be a point of gain, increase and added confidence, the point in your horoscope you should strive toward to find fulfillment.
Where the north Node is, you are given or you take in. The South Node is where we give out, release or let go. It is the area where you must give or where you are taken from. It often shows the area where the person takes the easy way out.The axis where the nodes fall, also seem to indicate some sort of family interaction, so between 1 and 7 you could have visible character, personality or appearance traits in common with one of the parents or grandparents.(between 2 and 8, similar value systems as your parents etc.)
The other case where the Ascendant is Virgo, that must be another chart I suppose. (your partner or boyfriend?)In the 7th house of that chart you say : "there is" Jupiter etc. do you mean that they are in that 7th house? And what sort of aspects do they make?. You see, from placements and aspects alone you cannot get a full picture. You must look at the whole horoscope.

In many cases a Pisces Descendant and on top of that Jupiter in it, could mean more than one marriage (most double sign Descendants, so also Gemini). But it can also show a highly romantic sort of spouse, or your expectations being too high when it comes to a partner and therefore you could be prone to desillusions (Pisces). Everything is possible but you must know the rest as well. Hope this gives you some idea.


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My descendant(4ºCancer)doesn't describe my partners(when I have one:D ,which doesn't happen very often LOL).It does describe the type of person I''m atracted to.I usually go for boys who look sweet and innocent and in need for protection-basicly,just the typical Cancerian traits.Things usually go wrong cause,sometimes,their personality matches their look,and I end up discovering that that sweet looking guy is in fact very needy and extremly depressive!Having Jupiter in the7th,I prefer to be with people who are cheerful,philosophic and positive minded.So dependency is something I'm unconsciously atracted to-not something I like to deal with.

Summery Joy

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laliqueviolin said:
Descendant Sagittarius 26°32'50

I am attracted to the very friendly and freedom-loving types. The type of people who are always having fun, having an adventure one day or on another.. like the beatnik Jack Kerouac! this intrigues me. It fits the description of whom I am always attracted to... the ones I can't ever have. I'm sure I can have them, but it would mean some great deal of freedom of space has to be involved, which can get complicating.

If there is someone who is too settled, I'll get bored. But if someone is too freedom-loving, I would want to be the one who wants a little "settling" down. Argh!

You're not alone, laliqueviolin. I have Dsc in Sag too and boy do I feel for you!


Active member
Thank you Howl for the article!
My Descendant is in Capricorn (also my sun sign) how often does this happen?
Capricorn is also on the cusp of my 7th House. Mars in Pisces and Cancer is my rising sign... I DO like Pisces people a lot, of course not all people from the same sunsign are the same, but in general. Also, my chart has a lot of water and a lot of ''Saturn'' so i guess it all makes sense.


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Pearlized - I like your name :). I also have a partner whose descendant is my ascendant, and vice versa. He has an 8" Capricorn ascendant, and I have an 11" Cancer ascendant. If you held our charts side by side and folded one over onto the other, the zodiac would almost match ;)

I wouldn't be surprised if this happens more often (than it otherwise would statistically!) because partners with opposing ascendants will (generally) have opposing signs ruling the same houses. Maybe you have Pisces on the cusp of the second house, and he has Virgo, etc. Since each of these polarities represents an "opposite" approach to the "same" thing, I believe that there is a fundamental polar attraction. It feels like that anyway :p

Hey SunMoon! Um, about 1/12 of people have their sun in the same sign as their descandant :). Why do you count Mars in Pisces as your rising sign? I can see that with a Capricron descendant (seventh house cusp) you'd have a Cancer ascendant (first house cusp) like me, heheh. I'm not sure how this links to Mars in Pisces though?


Well-known member
Ahhh, I get it now! You are attracted to Pisceans because your mars is in Pisces (mars being considered an indicator of women's attraction to men, as Starlink pointed out), a separate point to your ascendant being Cancer. Sorry, misreading :p


Active member
Oh wow, really? See, i didn't even know that about Mars. I did read the last page but i missed that part, i just noticed that someone mentioned what sign their Mars was on and so i did the same. And thanks for letting me know 1/12 of people have their sun in the same sign as their descendant, i didn't know that either.
Howl said:
Mmm, I was thinking about this last night; all of the strong platonic friendships in my life are with people very strong in the signs and elements I have (air/fire) Many of the women who are important to me are of the same sun sign as my venus and moon.

However, there's a complete reversal when when I look at the guys I get involved with, all water and earth!

SS, I think you're onto something with your theory of "fulfilling" the presence of certain signs in your life in the form of other people. I have wondered before if I will attract/be attracted to partners 'less different' to me as I become more comfortable with 'using' the different qualities myself.
I have an air predominance, closely equaled by fire. My only earth and water placements are the most distant outer planets! :eek: Most of my close, platonic friends are also air/fire strong. Even my family members and I share some key personal planets, such as my Sister's Venus in Aquarius which conjuncts my Sun and loosely Mercury and Venus. :p

My descendant is in Sag, complete with a Sag Uranus and a Cappy Neptune hanging around. My brother is a Sag and I have some good friends who have key planets in Sag as well.

Last year, I met my lovely, wonderful girlfriend. I do agree with your theory about filling that elemental hole with a partner who is heavy in the elements that you lack. Well, my girlfriend has a stellium in Libra and several fire planets. BUT! She has her Mars in Virgo, an Earth sign! I think it was her Virgoan Mars that attracted me to her in the first place. Then it's her Libra, Aries, and Sag placements that keep me on my feet. ;) Because of her and several other reasons, I love and appreciate people who have Mars in Virgo, and Mars in Earth signs in general. :p


Well-known member
Hello MisSaturn,

This aspect: Sun square Neptun has my ex friend, and he was never Alcoholic. It is true, that he has smoked all his life, but smoking and drinking are two different things.

I have Sun in 7th, and understand myself very good with Leos. That doesn't mean, that I have boyfriend in Leo.

When somebody looks, what sign should be partner, then you look, where is your Mars? In what house? My Mars is in 10th, and most of my friends (more than that) are born in Capricorn, 10th sign. From other side, I am Taurus and Capricorn is ideal from that point.
Mars is also ruler of my 7th house. Men I know, are very athletic with good and nice body. It could be also somebody with uniform!

I am thinking to make some club, men born January 1st. For me, they are all attractive. Why that, I don't know.



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I've got to confess I didn't read through this whole thread, but I've had an idea about the descendant tinkering around in my head for the past couple of weeks and I thought this would be a good place to plop my idea down. Maybe the descendant represents the qualities that we project onto our partners. My dec is pisces and I have quite a few partners in the past that I saw as incompetent or as barely able to take care of themselves. Mybe that wasn't how they really they were, maybe I just projected a helpless pisces quality onto them. Quite a few of the men I've dated have had a leo desc. I don't think of myself as acting very leoan, but about a month ago my boyfriend described me as having a bold dramatic look. He used some word like that. I can't remember which. Maybe the descendant is just the lens that we view our partners through.