The Moon's Speed - an indicator of intelligence

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
You have a Sun-Mercury conjunction, just like me--and Mercury is later than the Sun, too! :)

Here's an important note from the article linked to at the beginning of this thread; I have italicized the part that relates to you:

Note: When the Moon moves at, or very close to, average speed, the alert/deliberate distinction blurs; likewise, when Mercury is conjunct the Sun, the eager/certain distinction is of less importance. At these points, therefore, the Mental Chemistry technique is not as revealing as it is at the extremes.

Therefore, the below description will probably not relate to you as much as to a person whose natal Mercury is at the maximum distance ahead of the Sun:

In the words of Leyla Rael, “The Epimethean [certain] Mercury type of person tends to react to life more cautiously and based on past experience (either his or her own personal experience or according to traditional, cultural patterns). But while such a person is at best thorough and objective, mentally free from many purely emotional prejudices, at worst he or she can cling almost obsessively to obsolescent ideologies or display a conservatism bordering on rigidity. The Promethean [eager] Mercury type of person tends to leap into life with his or her mental antennae fully extended to receive information. While such a person may be able to act based on a compelling inner vision of what is possible — and at best may be flexible, prophetic, and responsive to the needs of the moment — at worst he or she may be merely conniving, facile, and crafty, going this way or that according to his or her own advantage.”4

Another way of saying this is that the “certain” natives need to be sure of themselves before they act — they need to feel that their actions will meet the approval of their social milieu. Thus, they are restrained and oriented toward goals and purposes. These natives interpret the world in terms of a guiding philosophy of social responsibility in which each member must do his or her own share, and they are scrupulous in observing their part of the bargain. They play the game by the rules — whatever they conceive those rules to be. They are wary and dutiful, and they put their faith in principle and obligation.

EDIT: It actually makes perfect sense to me now that you would have a slower-moving Moon; although I do not believe the planet or planets the Moon may be conjunct at a certain time has anything to do with its speed, your natal Moon's applying (increasing strength) conjunction to Saturn (the Planet of Caution, himself) in Virgo (a pretty cautious sign to begin with) reflects many of the themes of a slow-moving Moon. Not to mention that both planets are applying towards a conjunction with your Virgo North Node (future goals)! Virgo/Pisces is intercepted in the first/seventh, too...

Arian Maverick
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