Year of birth - ruling element


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Birth years have elements to rule the year, there are 4 elements associated with zodiac signs: Fire, Earth, Air and Water, and another one: Heart. The years ending in 0 and 5 ruled by fire, 1 and 6 earth, 2 and 7 air, 3 and 8 water, and finally 4 and 9 heart. For example, my birth year 1980 is ruled by fire, though I'm an air sign: Aquarius sun/moon - conjunction, total solar eclipse the next day.

The elements rule signs (3 each: Fire for Aries, Leo and Sag; Earth for Tau, Virgo and Cap; Air for Gem, Lib and Aqu; and finally water for Can, Sco and Pis), however, 6 parazodiac signs are ruled by heart: Cetus (late Pis-early Ari), Orion (late Tau-early Gem), Sextans (late Can-early Leo), Hydra's tail (late Vir-early Lib), Ophiuchus (late Sco-early Sag) and Aquila (late Cap-early Aqu).