Love horary querent at the 3th house


Well-known member
I have see this many times lately and I can’t find explanation. Is it about wanting to communicate or to take contact?

Edit: oh I’m sorry this was meant to be at horary technique section. Maybe moderator could move it?


Well-known member
It depends, even if asc ruler is in the 3rd house, it could be a radical house. And for me sometimes houses don't make sense, so i use sign.

Also 3rd house doesn't just rule contact, it could be a sibling, a short trip, neighbors, studying, rumours, gossip, a vehicle etc...


Well-known member
Thanks would make more sense if it would be about communication. But maybe rumours would fit too.

Simone 11th house is about friend, acquaintances and associations. In horary 3th represents all kind of communication. I’m not just sure that if there is no aspect (=no action) would emplacement show then that someone is thinking about communication.