Madonna's Ascendant Isn't Virgo


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When you look at her old pictures you can see that she has a Moon face.I think virgo rising chart suits her.


Well-known member
Isn't a moon face a Cancer rising characteristic .. ?

Yes,but she has Moon in the first house in the virgo rising chart.

She's always had a square shaped face to me.

Do you call this face square shaped ?



She would have to keep to her story though wouldn't she.

So, I knew about the Virgo Moon,there had to be, but when I frst saw a picture of her and read about her, she just came over as so hugely Leo.

And maybe it is isn't about a strong Sun. Maybe she has Uranus rising in Leo too.

yes the leo rising chart has uranus conj ascendant. Whilst i think theres conservative elements to her character and that uranus conj asc doesnt seem to fit that much it does express itself in many ways

Constantly reinventing her image, experimenting
shocking people through her sexual stuff/liberating lyrics
Trendsetting fashions when she first came famous and beyond
Sudden explosive rise to fame
Disregard for establishment but not in a political way

uranus in leo asc, freedom of expression big time
just my two cents


Well-known member
My sister is Leo Sun ,Aquarius rising,Moon in Pisces(in the first house) Mercury in Virgo.She has gap between her front teeth like Madonna (Virgo trait),Her face is longer than Madonna's,it's not as wide as Madonna's but narrower than hers. Her forehead is higher than hers and and her face expression is more Masculine than MAdonna.

Leo people ussually look Masculine to me.Madonna has a feminine face/body IMO.Her ASC should be a feminine sign.


Well-known member
Marilyn Monroe had a masculine sun and ascendant and that doesn't make her any less feminine looking. I don't think you should take masculine or feminine so literally. I think it's more about energy and Madonna's energy is a more masculine/ dominating energy.


Well-known member
Marilyn Monroe had a masculine sun and ascendant and that doesn't make her any less feminine looking. I don't think you should take masculine or feminine so literally. I think it's more about energy and Madonna's energy is a more masculine/ dominating energy.

Marilyn Monroe had a strong Venus in elevation.Though she looked less feminine before her surgery.
Many celebrities have surgery,in general you can say that women with strong masculine emphasis in their charts also look more masculine.

The whole Madonna-thing gets even more complicated.
Have you heard of it?


How can this be? Can we believe in that?
Aquarius Rising would be around 7 pm.
But this is not night, especially in the summer.

That would mean that she has probably Aries, Taurus, Gemini or Cancer Rising.


Well-known member
The whole Madonna-thing gets even more complicated.
Have you heard of it?


How can this be? Can we believe in that?
Aquarius Rising would be around 7 pm.
But this is not night, especially in the summer.

7 PM in Bay City, Michigan would still be night time.

But I feel like she would be born maybe a half hour or so after 7PM so MC would be conjunct with Saturn.


Well-known member
7 PM in Bay City, Michigan would still be night time.

But I feel like she would be born maybe a half hour or so after 7PM so MC would be conjunct with Saturn.

But would someone say that it was night when the sun was still shining?
Because sunset was after 8 pm.
That's just the thing I mean.


Well-known member
Interviewer: Do you believe in that stuff… astrology?
Madonna: Yep… Yeah, I do.
Interviewer: To what extent?
Madonna: To the extent that I have my astrological chart done and I read my horoscope everyday and I ask people what sign they are…
Interviewer: … when is your birthday?
Madonna: August 16.
Interviewer: … so Leo that’s a pretty tough sign.
Madonna: … fire sign.
Interviewer: What are the characteristics for you…
Madonna: for?
Interviewer: … for Leo, that fit into you.
Madonna: For just Leo straight or for what my rising sign and what my moon is in?
See my rising sign is Aquarius and my moon is in Virgo, you see, so an Aquarian is traditionally a rebel… a creative person who sort of doesn’t follow the rules. Like, have you ever heard of the phrase “The Age of Aquarius”? Which is sort of like what the 60’s were… people experimented with drugs and free love… the experimental, rebellious side… that’s the Aquarius in me… Virgo is much more… very organized, very business minded, very anal-retentive.. that’s my business side… and Leo has to be the center of attention. So there you go.
Interviewer: You know all about this.
Madonna: Yes.
- Transcript from 1996 interview


Well-known member
Here's a rectified chart I did. It's late Aqua rising which gives her Sun opp. AS (Barack Obama also has this aspect) and some other interesting aspects. She also has her Sun in the 6th house making her a hard worker.
I think this chart suits her the best because she doesn't seem like 7th house Sun person:whistling: Or maybe her coldness is from Moon square Saturn.... Lot of people with Mercury in 7th house have much younger partners.


Well-known member
Does she not have her Moon in Virgo? What Uranus as chart ruler is doing in her chart will show a fuller picture. She does keep up with the trends and likes to shock.


Well-known member
I know the interview where she was claiming that she has Aquarius Rising.
But why does she say that she was born at night.
I don't get it.
07.00 pm , especially in August, is not night.
And the next thing is that there are websites that claim that 07.05 am is AA Rating quoted from birth chart.

Here is someone claiming that the birth certificate shows 0700 hr CDST.

The whole thing is just so complicated...
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