Present Life Memories


Well-known member
Messages from the Past

When I was four years old, I fell while running to ride my sister's tricycle. A week later I became ill at school and went to the hospital. I lapsed into a coma and when I awoke I was paralyzed from the neck down. While I did recover my motor skills after many years of often painful therapy, what I remember about that incident is my parents telling me is that I almost died. Believing there to be connection between running for my sister's tricycle, which I really wanted to ride, and my subsequent illness, I adopted the belief that if I went after what I wanted I would die. It took me many years to make the connection between my parents' remarks and my lifelong fear of going after what I wanted.
The fear of 'what might happen' is a very strong deterrent for us and has the ability to stop us in our tracks, no matter how much we want something or know that we should move forward. Each of us has heard messages at some point in our childhood that can make us fear what 'might happen' and they stay with us and serve as painful reminders of past pain, our shortcomings, our disappointments and our failures. Unless we address and disprove them, these messages stay with us and we unconsciously choose people, situations and even lifestyles that make them true.

In my experience, it took many years for me to put the pieces together and understand why I could go just so far in any situation and then stopped, usually because something fell apart or ended. Now I understand that I chose employers, friends and relationships that would make my belief about what would happen to me if I went after what I wanted true. Once I could put the pieces together and understand how my fears created that belief, though, I no longer had to deal with the situation because it was no longer true. My parents were telling the truth-I did nearly die, but in my mind what they said took on a whole different meaning.

Whether the messages you heard were meant to be mean or not, were intentional or unintentional or even true or untrue, their effect on your life can be very real and can serve to tie you down, limit your life and create a reality where you are blocked at every turn. This week, examine a childhood belief that you believe to be true. It could be that you are not smart, talented or even worthy. Ask yourself if it was really true then (it probably wasn't) and if you still want it to be true today. Once you can release that belief you can be free of its effects and move forward in your life, free from its restraints because it can no longer tie you down. Then you can move forward to create the reality you want to live in.

Excerpt from Uriel Heals 2/6/06


Well-known member

Wow, what a thing to go through at such a young age. It's so wonderful though that you made that connection and stopped the energy flowing through that circuit for the rest of your life.

It is amazing when we finally do dig deep enough to discover a "core" belief and learn how it literally runs our reality! But once discovered, they can be changed, ended, almost on the spot.

I'm reminded of a spiritual teaching about this sort of thing. We've all become familiar with the term "Mind/Body" and that literally, these things are directly connected to each other. The other half of this truth is the "Emotions/Spirit" connection which isn't as common as the first one. Your story, your experiences, deals with this second half.

It's only by going straight into our emotions and honestly questioning and dealing with them, that we finally connect with our spiritual selves and become 'free'. Easier said than done sometimes however! :wink:


Well-known member
Lapis - sorry if I wasn't clear - that story was about someone else which I picked up and published here. All your comments are valid and well taken though.



Well-known member
Aaaaaah I wondered who Uriel was and why he was in your story!?! :wink: I just saw a post from you and the first line was man.........I assumed it was you talking. :roll: