Ceres conj Full Moon/Eclipse in Leo. Thoughts?


Well-known member
I just thought I'd mention this, to check if anyone else has noticed this, or even given it some thought. Given the Full Moon & Total Eclipse will occur over this part of Australia (Central, south) just prior to midnight (and the full moon conj Ceres is less than 1 degree from my Leo Sun, but that is a whole other issue!! :bandit:) I just thought I'd bring the presence of the asteroid, Ceres, in the mix to the attention of you all. (I also have Ceres conj Moon in my natal chart, so I imagine this Full Moon placement means more to me that it does to others.)

Just a thought, here, that with the Ceres-Moon conjunct in Leo, perhaps there will be more of a focus on the nurturing and supportive/healing properties of food, and food preparation, rather than food merely being fuel for the body.



Well-known member
Thanks for drawing this to our attention. Several years ago I put some time and effort into studying Ceres, and came away feeling I'd still missed what she was about. It will be interesting to see what happens in terms of agriculture.

In Magi astrology Ceres is a malefic and mythological Ceres did punish the world with drought, so hopefully she's happily aspected this time, aside from the sun-moon opposition of the full moon.


Well-known member
Thanks for drawing this to our attention. Several years ago I put some time and effort into studying Ceres, and came away feeling I'd still missed what she was about. It will be interesting to see what happens in terms of agriculture.

Hi, waybread. Thanks for your contribution. I've had a few hours to consider this, and mull over the possibilities. I suspect we will all have some `nurturing' opportunities around food & diet, especially in relation to self-nurturing. It's well known that the 5 food group pyramid is a myth, and is not healthy for anyone, and probably never was. I know so many people who are having to rethink diet, and this includes people whom others would consider healthy. This afternoon I watched an online interview with Jordan Peterson, in which he mentioned having to cut out pretty much all carbs (other than greens) from his diet, because he has an auto immune illness. Since his dietary change, his energy levels have improved dramatically, he has lost quite a lot of weight, no longer has food cravings, and conditions like psoriasis and floaters in one eye have cleared up completely.

Ceres is about agriculture, grains, mothering (as nurturing) and cereal crops. My research also shows it to be a dwarf planet, and the largest of the asteroids in the asteroid belt. I have generally found it to be influential in certain charts. Not all personality types appear affected by it, but I suspect that its presence in this full moon has the potential to be significant.


Well-known member
I can't say that this eclipse will play out the same way for everyone, but it is a global phenomenon. This means that it's not just about reasonably well-off urbanites who can make diet choices, but will have world-wide impacts. I'm also thinking about droughts in Australia and the southwestern United States.

Frankly I think that diet needs to be much more tailored to individuals, but it will probably take advances in human genetics to make this possible.

Just for example, a few years ago I tried a vegan diet for a year and a half to lower my cholesterol. My cholesterol didn't budge, and I fantasized about rare steak and scrambled eggs. My husband's cholesterol was fine, but he agreed to go vegan to support me. He loved the vegan diet and felt a lot better on it. I'm convinced that once size does not fit all.

I have a file of charts of celebrity chefs and cookbook authors that I've used to study Ceres. My sense is that Ceres has to have a quality of inspiration about it for it to really make a hit in these charts. Ceres seemed to resonate better to septile aspects than it did to the major aspects. But Ceres didn't seem to work well as a house cusp ruler.


Well-known member
Is it why I had a great submarine sandwich today? LOL...Ceres conjunct full moon. Ceres represent food, harvests, culinary arts and appetite. When it's close to the moon or sun for some of us, maybe we'll have a very good lunch.