A living contradiction - how to put it together


Well-known member

You guys... I'm starting to feel like my chart is such an impotent mess. I feel like it's a lot of words but they don't make a sentece.. Different vibes that cancel each other... Every positive thing is debilitated by either bad aspect or retrograde and together this doesn't make any sense. I don't know what to start with, there doesn't seem to be a way... Gemini with mercury rx conj. lilith sq. saturn... But that saturn is in pisces:)... Gemini moon in 4th (??) and gemini sun in 5th and with..a cap rising?? But again, saturn in pisces?? What is that for?? Neptune in 1th, uranus in 1th, both debilitated by rx debiliteting further the sun and moon granting extra points of impotence, adding to those of pluto and jupiter in opposition to sun and moon.. And if that was not crippling enough, the mars is intercepted, 8th house, providing some extra virgo neurotic points to that nervous gemini constellation and of course also with that square to pluto, poor poor little virgo mars. Venus won't exactly work out as well with that allience with chiron and cap asc, so no way there... Pluto in scorpio and Jupiter in sag could sound cool but hey they're rx so no worries, there's no cigar too. But you know what, north node is in 9 th house scorpio, so go adventurous in those matters, that sure would work out for you, jupiter rx makes extra lucky people !! And also, make a scorpio MC and get pretty serious here, that wil also work out just great for a stupid little gemini, they're absolutely made to get deep af !

What is this whole thing good for?
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Well-known member
You know what I have decided to start working with whole signs system, so I'll have a look at it if that makes more sense and I'll come back to complain later.