what would I be a really good one at?


Well-known member
first a bit of background:
i have a bachelors degree in english (linguistics) with a minor in socioeconomics
a masters degree specifically aimed at the politics and economics of the eurasian region (russia, ukraine, belarus etc etc- in short- oil)
i also speak english, dutch, french, german, english and ukrainian- all fluent.

now for my chart- what pops out to me

(by the way i have been studying astrology for a while but if there is a part of it i dont know ANYTHING about- its vocational astrology- literally i have absolutely no idea how and what and how to put the pieces together so i dont know if what i am about to conclude about my chart is even relevant)

so what pops out to me:
my saturn-sun-mercury conjunction all extremely close- from what i have understood is that sun and saturn together, because they both stand for a government of some kind- that could be an indicator of someone working for the government?? and then we have mercury there- who is NOT combust because he is retrograde- and cazimi, he is less than a degree from the sun but thankfully retrograde so i would say i am EXTREMELY mercurial and my moon in gemini also doubles that effect

i am good at speaking, writing, organizing, managing, quick and fast mental work, planning etc etc and i like to do those things

next what is interesting to me is that my pluto makes only beneficial aspects to that saturn/sun/mercury conjunction- it sextiles it and i have noticed that deep research or any kind of investigation that requires extensive and deep thought comes easily to me and again is something i like to do- pluto is sextiling that triple conjunction from scorpio in the 11th to capricorn in my 2nd (2 is finances- 11 is gains so..could this indicate that i can gain wealth by using that aspect???)

exalted jupiter in the 7/8 house (depending on the house system) together with the moon applying conjunction is also something to note- astrology for example is something that i love to do and also quite rapidly understand

what is interesting to me is that because i have mars on the ascendant, from what i have heard and read online that would make me a legit athlete, soldier or martial artist- buttttt i dont think thats something for me- i like to walk a lot but exercise- nope

so what do you think and what does my chart indicate would be something i would be good at/my job should be

also- is there a possibility of me being successful starting my own business, i have had some ideas for several businesses i could start myself but i dont know if i am cut out for that- and maybe it is better for me to work for someone/an organization with a monthly paycheck and benefits and pension etc etc some people are just not cut out for business you know

super interested in all of your opinions!:love:
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Well-known member
One of the main indicators of vocational pursuits is the MC and the ruler of the MC. It rules Occupation/Career Achivement. Also the 6th house and ruler of the 6th of service/skills.

It turns out that Venus rules both the 6th and the MC. Venus is in Aquarius in the 3rd of communication. So perhaps International Relations, or some kind of IT work in global communications? Also teaching and working in non-profit charitable organizations perhaps?


Well-known member
One of the main indicators of vocational pursuits is the MC and the ruler of the MC. It rules Occupation/Career Achivement. Also the 6th house and ruler of the 6th of service/skills.

It turns out that Venus rules both the 6th and the MC. Venus is in Aquarius in the 3rd of communication. So perhaps International Relations, or some kind of IT work in global communications? Also teaching and working in non-profit charitable organizations perhaps?

omg i wanted to write about venus ruling both the mc and the 6th but i dont know why i didnt

but just a question...
when i use placidus - venus is in the SECOND house

but when.i use whole signs its in the THIRD

so how does that work out

by the way finance or banking (second house) is NOT for me for sure for sure...even though i have so many planets there

non-profit organizations are something i really do love and i donate regularly even with extremely small amounts, i also used to organize charity events at college but i never thought of doing it for a living, but as a sag ascendant with exalted jupiter perhaps this is something for me have never considered as a career option

hmm thanks for your opinion it has given me something to think about for sure


Well-known member
I use Placidus most of the time because I find it to be more specific and accurate.

I think in this case it shows that because you do respond more to third house skills than 2nd, it seems.

I can see why banking might not be for you. It is true that you have a lot of planets there in the 2nd. But Saturn is one of them and it might put a damper on the urge to go into finance.

Yes, non-profits and global charitable organizations might be a good career option for your many talents. You do have a very strong Mercury influence but your Venus needs to be fed too. :love:


Well-known member
I use Placidus most of the time because I find it to be more specific and accurate.

I think in this case it shows that because you do respond more to third house skills than 2nd, it seems.

I can see why banking might not be for you. It is true that you have a lot of planets there in the 2nd. But Saturn is one of them and it might put a damper on the urge to go into finance.

Yes, non-profits and global charitable organizations might be a good career option for your many talents. You do have a very strong Mercury influence but your Venus needs to be fed too. :love:

now that you mentioned the emphasis on venus as a career-indicator and libra on my midheaven, as well as my 7th house moon (original house of libra) and my 2nd house stellium (original house of taurus-venus ruled as well)

because libra and venus are all about striking a balance, looking for a compromise, relationships-

i always had an interest in diplomacy- becoming a diplomat or ambassador, especially with my knowledge of several foreign languages and interest in politics it always seemed like something that would be perfect for me- but its not an easy career-path, not everyone of course becomes a top-diplomat or ambassador- and if i were to go for it- there is always a chance of it not working out ..thats why ive always thought- well that would be an amazing career and i would love it- but is it something that first of all, i would be good at, second of all- does it even seem realistic?

would you say my chart would confirm a potential career as a diplomat- that it would be something i would be good at and have a reasonable inclination towards that field



Well-known member
A 2nd-8th house axis (whole signs houses) is good for finance/investments. How do you feel about working with a micro-finance institution for the poor (like the Grameen Bank) if you are more altruistic?

With sun-Saturn in the second house, you are probably personally very frugal, but Jupiter in Cancer in the 8th suggests a willingness to use your knowledge on behalf of other people's money. Please give this possibility more thought, even though you don't like the idea now.

Normally I use Placidus, but you actually have a few placements similar to Warren Buffet's in whole signs houses.
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Well-known member
Diplomats are ruled by Venus/Libra, which is on your MC. So that would be a great choice for you.

Yes, not everyone becomes an ambassador or a top diplomat. But I think you have a good shot at it. You have the education and the knowledge required, with a Masters in Politics/Economics. You meet the language requirements.

You have a Sun/Saturn/Mercury conjunction in Capricorn, ruling the government/authority/state. <<< PERFECT for diplomatic relations and being an emissary.

That conjunction sextiles Pluto in the 11th. You would exude power and authority and would probably move up quickly through the ranks.

I think your exalted Jupiter would back that up. Your ability to communicate and provide leadership will serve you well, in my opinion.

With Moon in Gemini in 7th, you would probably love the travel opportunities and meeting new people, and the variety.

But I would want you to work hard on establishing stable emotional relationships.
Diplomats and Ambassadors NEED loving families for intimate emotional support. You cannot go it alone.

Don't let the Venus in Aquarius wall you off from committed romantic relationships. :love:


Well-known member
A 2nd-8th house axis (whole signs houses) is good for finance/investments. How do you feel about working with a micro-finance institution for the poor (like the Grameen Bank) if you are more altruistic?

With sun-Saturn in the second house, you are probably personally very frugal, but Jupiter in Cancer in the 8th suggests a willingness to use your knowledge on behalf of other people's money. Please give this possibility more thought, even though you don't like the idea now.

Normally I use Placidus, but you actually have a few placements similar to Warren Buffet's in whole signs houses.

well i have a minor in socioeconomics- and it is only by the grace of god and a few good teachers that helped me along the way- that that even happened- because i thought oh great social economics- thats more about trends and the social and societal aspect of economics- well it was NOT that- it was pure hardcore economcis and i was TERRIBLE- i hated it- i didnt get it- before any exam i had to stay up nights just trying to get at least something in my head- and again, if it wasnt for some amazing teachers that saw i tried so hard and offered to give me extra classes and material and coached me via email and answered my stupid questions- i would have never gotten my degree so i know for a fact that its just not something for me- not because its not something i dislike- i can just say for a fact its not something i get- perhaps when saturn matures it will start to sink in i hope..

by the way fun story, i was once watching a video of warren buffet and bill gates on youtube where they went to different colleges and had seminars with students- and someone asked Bill gates if he would pick up 10 cents if it fell from his pocket somewhere- and bill kinda hesitated and didnt answer right away- and warren said if he doesnt pick it up- i will!

and i was like- omg if i was a billionaire i would do and say the EXACT same thing!

and then later i saw his chart and i was like- omg sag ascendant with saturn in cap- jupiter in cancer just like me- also his charitable work where he donates almost all of his money is also something i would for sure do- you dont NEED millions- i would also stay and live in my hometown here- i wouldnt ever move anywhere else- sure id make it a nice house but i wouldnt get like 10000 houses all over the world, and he also still lives in omaha his hometown, i also wouldnt get ten thousand sportscars- one is enough and i can use that money for other people to benefit- because really how much does one even need to live a comfortable life
so i do see a lot of similarities with me and him in the way he does things and his personality overall- his attitude towards money and charity
but what i clearly lack is his investment savviness and intellect regarding stocks and bonds and the market



Well-known member
Diplomats are ruled by Venus/Libra, which is on your MC. So that would be a great choice for you.

Yes, not everyone becomes an ambassador or a top diplomat. But I think you have a good shot at it. You have the education and the knowledge required, with a Masters in Politics/Economics. You meet the language requirements.

You have a Sun/Saturn/Mercury conjunction in Capricorn, ruling the government/authority/state. <<< PERFECT for diplomatic relations and being an emissary.

That conjunction sextiles Pluto in the 11th. You would exude power and authority and would probably move up quickly through the ranks.

I think your exalted Jupiter would back that up. Your ability to communicate and provide leadership will serve you well, in my opinion.

With Moon in Gemini in 7th, you would probably love the travel opportunities and meeting new people, and the variety.

But I would want you to work hard on establishing stable emotional relationships.
Diplomats and Ambassadors NEED loving families for intimate emotional support. You cannot go it alone.

Don't let the Venus in Aquarius wall you off from committed romantic relationships. :love:

ugh your post made me feel just awfully good about myself :innocent:

im going to try to apply for an internship at the international court of law here in the hague (i live in holland and its not too far from my town where i live)- or at an embassy also there- its not paid but at least if they choose me i will be already there and then i can see how i can work myself up- i also have a regular job so i will have to sacrifice a lot of time and sleep but i am totally willing to do that (cappie stellium dont forget working hard makes me so happy and satisfied its crazy) and because of my gemini moon i CRAVE lots of variation and doing one thing at a time makes me depressed- even when i study or work- i always have 3 or 4 tasks that i switch regularly- for example i will read for half an hour- then i clean my closet for half an hour, i write something for another hour, i then take a walk, back to reading- do my laundry- its a crazy system and no one understands and is always amazed how i get so much done in one day- but it works for me and if i just sit for 4 hours doing reading ill be so tense and anxious- maybe its that first house mars also that gives me the energy to do like 40 things a day without losing my breath

im going to go the diplomat way- if i fail at least i tried and obviously i will learn so much lessons- that even for that very reason its worth a shot- and if i succeed- that would be amazing and i believe that if something is my destiny in this life- i wont be able to avoid it- it will come to me no matter what, and if something isnt my destiny, no matter how hard ill chase it- it will always run away so im not one to say o my god if this fails my life is over


Well-known member
Diplomats are ruled by Venus/Libra, which is on your MC. So that would be a great choice for you.

Yes, not everyone becomes an ambassador or a top diplomat. But I think you have a good shot at it. You have the education and the knowledge required, with a Masters in Politics/Economics. You meet the language requirements.

You have a Sun/Saturn/Mercury conjunction in Capricorn, ruling the government/authority/state. <<< PERFECT for diplomatic relations and being an emissary.

That conjunction sextiles Pluto in the 11th. You would exude power and authority and would probably move up quickly through the ranks.

I think your exalted Jupiter would back that up. Your ability to communicate and provide leadership will serve you well, in my opinion.

With Moon in Gemini in 7th, you would probably love the travel opportunities and meeting new people, and the variety.

But I would want you to work hard on establishing stable emotional relationships.
Diplomats and Ambassadors NEED loving families for intimate emotional support. You cannot go it alone.

Don't let the Venus in Aquarius wall you off from committed romantic relationships. :love:

oh and as for my venus- as you can tell by my sun-saturn conjunction- i have been raised by a mother that was extremely strict, dictatorial, mean, punishing, never satisfied, always checking me, i had to be home by 8- i never got to go anywhere even as a teenager- she kept me in this torturous prison of her making and made me feel as if i was wrong or abnormal for wanting freedom- and as a sag ascendant you can perhaps tell how terrible that must have been for me- so the second i started living alone and i totally cut off all contact with my mother- or else she would still try to control me and manipulate me-but from a distance- i am so happy just being able to walk out for a walk whenever i want to without having to then explain where i was- or being able to just sit in my room without her bomarding in without knocking just to see what i was up to for no reason anyways- i think i will never let anyone treat me that way- and until i dont find that one true person that understand my need for freedom- and is happy that i can give that in return and that that has nothing to do with loving someone more or less- and that person can be someone with integrity, intelligence, trust, and letting me be who i am and loving me unconditionally- ill be so happy to be in that kind of relationship- and maybe when i meet that special someone the word relationship wont make me feel slightly nauseous inside and suffocating lol

anyways i have a very good feeling its going to happen this year- if astrology has any truth to it and i understood everything correctly-

the combination of my progressed chart having both jupiter and moon conjuncting the descendant- and the moon conjuncting jupiter- whilst my solar return this year- because my birthday was on the 9th of january- dont know if you remember- there was a triple planetary conjunction that was sextiled by jupiter- sun venus and pluto together- on my birthday yes yes- all of that and also the solar return moon was opposite uranus (major indication) the ascendant libra and other solar-return indicators of love

but what makes me almost certain everything will be fine with my venus this year- is the fact that there is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE on the 27th of juli 2018- this year happening on 4-aquarius-35- thats literally EXACTLY on my venus- so things are about to happen! ive never had a solar eclipse on my venus before and im very intrigues as to what is going to happen- especially since my jup/moon conjunct the descendant and the triple planetary conjunction on my birthday so we will see- i personally did not expect it so soon- i know im 28 but i still feel like a teenager and i dont think im ready for any kind of commitment- but you can still be friends and hang out with the love of your life before you DO things- you first have to get to know each other but we'll see im exited though:tongue::love:


Well-known member
January, hardly anybody else on the planet has Buffet's financial savvy. What I found interesting about his life is that personally he is extremely frugal. He doesn't spend much money on himself, and certainly not for the luxuries one associates with the rich and famous. This seems similar to your sun-Saturn.

You are probably familiar with the Grameen Bank and the concept of tiny loans to poor people in developing countries. (Microfinance, microcredit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microfinance ) I was thinking more along these lines.

With your obvious potential contributions to international affairs, and your strong 2nd/8th house axis, I thought you would be good at this.