How is my karma based on my chart?


Well-known member
I was just curious about my karma based on my chart?
Good and bad karma, and how to fix it if it's bad.


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Well-known member
I was just curious about my karma
based on my chart?
Good and bad karma,
and how to fix it if it's bad.
the word "karma" is often thought of as meaning something horrific
in fact
the word "karma" means "action"

"bad karma" means "bad action"

"good karma" means "good action" :smile:

and since
action has consequence
that's the Law of Cause and Effect

"bad action" leads to "bad consequence"
"good action" leads to "good consequence"
we all want wonderful, happy rewarding lives
those wonderful, happy rewarding lives are dependent
on our own "actions" aka "karmas"


the law of cause and effect makes no exceptions

it is utterly impossible for virtuous action to bear unpleasant effect rather than a pleasant one
it is utterly impossible for non-virtuous action to bear pleasant effect rather than an unpleasant one


Premium Member
planetary placements-aspects etc and outcomes mentioned,
how true-untrue-insightful, do share prompt pointwise feedbacks :

asc cap lord sat, ambitious to reach the top, hardwork needed;

jup debilated-weakest in cap 12th, conservative fin-health,
jup lord 2/12 for finances-gains weak-conservative;
jup elevated aspect over cancer 6th, protective of health-employment;
wear yellow sapphire over a silver pendant touching heart;

retro sat aspect own cap, debilation of jup cancelled,
gradual growth in health-finances/expenses, advisory abilities;
jup lord 11th debilated cap 12th, gradual gains in foreign lands;

asc lord sat debilated-weak in aries 2nd for family-fin-speech;
aptitude for social service, earnings in distant lands;
mars lord aries over leo 7th quadrant,

debilation of sat cancelled, gradual growth in finances;
observe fast sat evenings - milk and fruits;

sat elevated aspect over libra 8th, protection from dangers;

retro sat towards pisces opp venus virgo,
craving for affection/romance but difficult to manifest,
and prone to mutual health issues in relationship;

scorpio 10th-mars inimical-malefic for cap asc,
stress-delays in career-recognition;
research-occult aptitudes;

inimical mars over leo 7th,
stress-delays in marriage-relationship-vocation-career;
abdominal and heart-stomach inflammatory issues;
mars aspect own scorpio 10th protective of career,
but not good for relationship with boss;

sun lord 7th over inimical scorpio 9th,
research-occult-forensic-investigative, research management,
stress-delays in marriage-luck-edu-father-husband-travels;

venus lord 9th negating to virgo 8th and debilated,
negating luck-father's support, self-centred,
prone to chronic kidney-intestinal-urological issues;

venus elevated aspect over pisces 2nd,
protective of family-finances-speech-singing ability;
wear 0.25 carat diamond over platinum pendant touching heart;

sat lord 9th for luck from moon debilated; settling at 36+

rahu north node libra 8th, foreign travels, toxic health issues;

ketu separative south node aries 2nd, impulsive sharp speech,
detachment from family-finances,
sat-ketu aries 2nd pain-injury throat-teeth-head etc
prayers to Christ, offer red flowers at the alter at home, tues mornings;

moon elevated taurus 3rd, good for communications-singing, etc
creative-energetic-focused-determined-stubborn; love of food-comforts,
aptitude for hotel management, dairy products, creative advertising;

moon debilated aspect scorpio 9th affecting luck-edu-father-travels etc;
promoting research-occult aptitudes,
protected by mars aspect own scorpio, but not good for health of father;

sun-moon opp scorpio-taurus, full moon day, confused/diffused thinking; passionate;

5th house represents fruits of immediate past life,
mer lord gemini 5th over 9th libra,
good for luck-education-literary aptitudes-travels;
mer-rahu libra rise-fall in life-luck, need for ancestor worship,
observe fast No-moon evenings taking milk and fruits;
venus lord 9th negating to 8th, negating luck though;
rahu libra seeking social-foreign relationships;

past 2.5yrs sat sag 11th, tech gains, gains from old friends, old people;
sat sooner moves to own cap 12th for foreign lands-expenses, etc

jup past year transit libra 9th opp sat aries,
misjudgments-missed opportunities and initiatives,
relationship with father-siblings impacted probably;

jup now moves to inimical scorpio 9/10th,
research-occult aptitudes-advisory roles, but under stress-delay;

jup scorpio trine pisces 2nd supportive of family-finances;
and trine elevated aspect cancer 7th supportive of marriage-relationship;

ketu now transit acq first, prone to head-leg injury-sciatica etc;

rahu now transit inimical mars leo 7th,
marriage-relationship affected, foreign travels under stress;

hope chart a reflection of past karma and outcomes helps,
debilated planets making elevated aspect over the opp sign, a relief,

debilation of planets cancelled, gradual improvement-growth;
inimical scorpio-mars under stress-delays;
elevated planets making debilated aspects opposite;
planets aspecting their own signs protective;

do share pointwise reflections sharing ground experiential realities;

hope remedies help,
wear pearl to overcome inimical mars,

wishing well,

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Well-known member


Wow, thank you very much for what you wrote. This is very detailed and helpful. That is so interesting that the mentioned aptitudes actually match my vocation and study (research, social service, and political science/foreign relations). That is also interesting that it mentions my father's health, because my father's health is very poor and I worry about him a lot. Furthermore, it is also interesting that it mentions the chronic kidney-intestinal-urological issues, because I do have that as well.

I am also highly ambitious, so the cap lord makes complete sense. The moon elevated taurus description also describes my personality excellently - good for communications, creative, energetic, focused, determined, stubborn. That is very much me.
In these past 2.5 years, I have had gains from old friends and old people, and have definitely increased in technology.
I also do have advisory abilities, and seek to make a living in foreign lands. I very much want to travel.

I am worried about the delays though - when can I expect delays in my career/finances/health/etc? And is there anything I can do to prevent them?

When can I also expect for my health problems to be resolved? Is it soon?

Is there any way to also find out what I was in a past life, so that I can know why I inherited this particular set of aptitudes and challenges?

I am so curious about this now due to the accuracy of your post.

Thank you very much!
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Well-known member
astrodienst chart form easier and clear to read,
this decorative arrows based chart
difficult to read and relate sign-house placements :


Here is also an astrodienst chart in case there were any problems due to the last one.


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