War Jan 25 battleship Beijing opens fire US ship chase China ship in disputed waters


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FEARS of all out war
between China and the United States
have surged
after Beijing passed a new law permitting its coast guard
to open fire on foreign vessels in Chinese claimed waters.

Beijing insists it has sovereignty
over almost the entire South China Sea
with its claim overlapping with those from six other countries.

Tensions could rise significantly
after China passed its new Coast Guard Law on Friday.

This allows Chinese coastguard to take all necessary measures,
including the use of weapons
when national sovereignty. sovereign rights and jurisdictions
are being illegally infringed
by foreign organisations or individuals at sea.

The legislation gives the coast guard
the power to demolish foreign built structures
on reefs claimed by China.

It explains the circumstances in which different types of weaponry
handheld, shipborne or airborne can be deployed.

War begins
Jan 25
battleship Beijing opened fire

as US ship chased China ship in disputed waters :smile:




We must demand China's expulsion from the UN. If they are not, then we must quit the UN and send the UN staff packing from US soil. This exact confrontation was years in the making. China has been sabre rattling about their claims most of the sea and their threats toward Tawain. China has played constant brinksmanship for years.

The war starts now because China thinks Biden is weak. You must be strong to avoid war. China has Biden by the short hairs because they have evidence of his criminality, and they are blackmailing him.

It was the "election" of Biden that caused this war at this time.
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