Why do you think humans are the way they are


Well-known member
I am not sure where exactly to post this so here goes in this section.

Why do so many humans choose to hook into society and what others around them think. I never understood this like people will focus on the material things of this world almost exclusively and at least in the west the rational (boring) left brained thinking process is preferred over the emotional intuitive (interesting) right brain side.

Why do people care about sexual orientation or what a person thinks or believes about certain issues. Why are so many people in the world so moralistic and dogmatic about things. Why do they need to follow some rigid system to get pride in themselves. What does astrology have to say about any of this if it has anything to say about it at all. I do notice every once in awhile charts that make me mad a little knowing quite a lot about astrology I ask why would a person choose to be this way or choose a chart like this? Especially the mutiple Capricorn charts that were in the middle 90's. Gosh I met a person with one of those I was going to date her. She was the most Materialistic dominating and least spiritual person I ever knew I mean even conservative evangellicals are more spiritual than she was (no offense).

I know me personally im not happy with western society (even living in one of the top ten most liberal cities in the country even people here pay lip service to western society I don't even want to pay lip service to it I want to be like some of the people here that are on the street cause they hate the way society is and willfully choose it although I don't think I need to sleep in a tent to do that) because its so materialistic and left brained and I am more spiritual and right brained. However I ask why are people like this I do not understand it.
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The answer to your question is very basic but MOST are unaware
(I will structure this in very simple terms):

1)Humans, like animals are easily trained. (humans are a type of animal)
2) "Certain" people found this out, and used technology to this advantage
3) TV in every home = the best means to "train" people to behave (collectively) in a certain way.
4) Pour out lots of programmes over a long period of time ( over 3 generations) with increasing degrees of Sex. Increasing degrees of Violence.
More and more GRAPHIC over time, so people get used to it..
Think it's normal.

An entire population programmed to accept -

1) obsession with SEX, as "normal"
2) Graphic & grotesque violence as "entertainment" is normal..

Y U C K ! ! !

This is INSANE!
The world we live in is INSANE!!!!!


The people who rule this world are insane psychopaths.
This is the reason humanity is not thriving today.
Those who are ruling, are the tiny percentage (mega mega wealthy) at the top who , literally have so much wealth themselves they could pay off every country's debt .
They have all the power, but no interest in helping humanity.
They want people destroying each other.


Well-known member
NEWS 24 video of the monkey paramedic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv8Dsd60xKU


THE SECRET HISTORY OF WESTERN EDUCATION is interesting to view :smile:

This is a must see for anyone who wants to truly know why the education system is deliberately crafted
to produce human drones with no critical thinking
whose only skills are to be subservient, trust authority and follow orders

'......Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt served as head of policy at Department of Education
during the first administration of Ronald Reagan, where she discovered a long term strategic plan
by the tax exempt foundations
to transform America from a nation of rugged individualists and problem solvers
to a country of servile, brainwashed minions who simply regurgitate whatever they're told.

Exclusive interview with Iserbyt breaks down how conditioning/training under a corporate agenda
has replaced traditional education, leading to a deliberate dumbing down of Americans.
Iserbyt further explains how Reagan signed agreements merging the U.S. and Soviet systems under the United Nations banner,
turning over education and many other areas of public policy to global control......'

Her book,'The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America' is free at


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societal conditioning, we focus on the material things because we are in a capitalist society.

The people who rule this world are insane psychopaths.
This is the reason humanity is not thriving today.
Those who are ruling, are the tiny percentage (mega mega wealthy) at the top who , literally have so much wealth themselves they could pay off every country's debt .
They have all the power, but no interest in helping humanity.
They want people destroying each other.

some of the people that run the worlds most successful businesses are sociopaths.
forbes.com why some psychopaths make great ceos/