Humanness in Social Interaction Just wanted to Share my article


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Let me know what you think. I wrote this for the Newsletter of a local organization.

Bringing Humanness Back into Social Interaction

We are going to delve deeper than appearance and body type. First impressions is a concept that has been taught to people and internalized to the point they actually have first impressions and hold judgment one way or another based off of that. Now I don’t because I have not been brainwashed by this as it is a artifical social construct that governs the masses. I cannot imagine how anyone could be as superficial as this anyway so its kind of hard to conceive of people doing this as it is one of the biggest blocks to authenticity in human interaction. It implies we worry about what total strangers we will not even usually ever get to know think about us which is quite unneeded in an evolved society as each person will gravitate to their own kind for the most part.
On impression though I can just tell when something is artificial and unnatural and it kind of drives me away not in an unthinking “im repulsed eew” way that should mainly be reserved for people like Child Molesters and Murderers and not normal every day human interaction as I don’t think anyone likes reactionary types (deep inside you know they are insecure). No I am telling you something inside tells me that so many these days are artificial in some way like there is something alien that has seeped into them. This is why I am entitled this bringing back the humanness. I do know how it works so I will explain and what can be done. We should try to discard doing this and see each human we interact with on a day to day basis. First impression would imply we have something we are looking for in the individual on a very superficial level, does the way the person is dressed, their hairstyle, what kind of smell they have, the look of being rich or poor, a fancy phone, or any jewelry really tell us who the person is. The answer is NO. Making any kind of judgment about a person before even saying hi, without even being able to sense energy or something about that person or anything deeper as most right brained people do from my experience, this is really superficial. What we need is more human depth in getting to know people HUMANNESS!!
First get to know the individual before making a judgment call on who they are. Ignore superficial stuff and get right in a conversation with an individual, get to know them, then and only then can you actually have an impression. With some people this takes days or weeks. The end goal is focusing on energy alone and the deeper perceptions of what this person stands for and not on their looks or what economic class they come from (social classes should be spiritual and intellectual not based on arbitrary things such as how much one makes its in the MIND as in Ancient india the warrior class or the Priest class or the Philosopher) so don’t judge a book by its cover. Judge a book by its content. While no you don’t have to love everyone or like everyone as that is alien to the way nature works as not everyone is compatible with you, at the very least show a brotherhood with humankind and get to know them first before judging. So practice this, if the person “stands out like a sore thumb” or doesn’t appear to have friends try to get to know them, it is fair that all humans deserve friends and love and acceptance. We need as human beings to get beyond superficial perceptions of eachother and to get to know eachother on a deeper level.

Focusing on Relationships over Money and Time

Now society has collectively created a construct that has brainwashed many people in to having strict and rigid schedules and to labor away without caring about their fellow man on a human level. This is an antithesis to living a natural life. In a human centered society relationships and fellow man come first before time or money. For example if a brother or sister in human kind is in need drop everything give full attention and attend to that brother or sister in human kind. Its about fairness and learning to be human again something that unfortunately society has forgotten about or suppressed. Relationships and groups and friends is the most important thing where as personal gain is second to that. If you are of a higher understanding in conjunct with the law of nature this beckons you that if you see a brother or sister in need you immediately attend to that brother or sister, and do so with all your heart cause humans are what society and the world is all about. Money (a system of exchange that would be unneeded in a human centered advanced society) doesn’t run the world people do. What is money but a piece of paper or metal that humans put their consciousness into and faith and trust into that it compensates a work they do for their fellow man to give them the power to buy something. Now what does it give you other than the power to buy something (NOTHING) it doesn’t give you human relationships. Relationships of various kinds is the real thing the world is powered by and survives by. You could be a loner and still have money, a piece of paper doesn’t create relationships love or friendship or kinship with your fellow man. YOU yourself do that. If that piece of paper and wasn’t there and people did things out of a love in their heart for the world the way nature works, YOU yourself would still have these relationships yet YOU yourself would be richer than you could ever be today for you would understand the meaning of life that is to better yourself and the world.
Ask yourself how do businesses work, the partnerships between various people. How do families work, partnerships between people relationships and love, a communal love and desire to come together and to better those who descended from you and those you ascended from . How do friendships work people that come together with something that desires them to be with each other. How do customers work, a trust that what you are getting is good, a trust that the buisness has what you want and when you go there you can get the goods you need or desire. None of this is money centric. So see without human relationships money and the economy would never survive so no matter what they say money doesn’t rule the world it is not a god or goddess relationships are the truth of all that is in this world for nothing would happen without them.
So with the focus on time what is time but a linear continuum of human thought that one sequence comes after another sequence. It is a perception created by society that is built upon a shared perception. Without it things would still get done. Why do we have to hurry to get things done. Why not look to our phone or other device while waiting and focus on something that has meaning or day dream of a better world or dream of something we desire, and focus on that. Why not listen to music or notice any beauty around you. How healthy is it for us to forget who we really are and hurry through life always expecting gratification. We could come to an understanding in a human based society that something that needs to be done will get done, and only in a true emergency should we hurry, only when a fellow brother or sister truly needs us as brothers and sisters in human kind should we hurry. We should drop everything when a brother or sister is in need of relating and we should relate to that brother or sister with all our hearts for that is the path to true humanness. When a brother or sister is in need of material assistance we should drop everything and help that brother or sister. We should make sure all are taken care of and have all basic needs met. This is a basic requirement for a human centered society.
So brothers and sisters I beg you relax and still your mind for time and money is an illusion that is artificial and pushed upon you by an outside force it doesn’t represent and can’t represent reality as it is. Always be ready to serve your fellow humans and your fellow humans shall serve you in return. This is the true brotherhood of human kind without the oppression of capitalist lies. None of that serves us for we are human and we demand hope and change. Understand in time all that needs to get done will be done. No need to hurry that is capitalist oppression and what does the revolution do STAMP out OPPRESSION!!!


Well-known member
What we need is more human depth in getting to know people HUMANNESS!!
First get to know the individual before making a judgment call on who they are. Ignore superficial stuff and get right in a conversation with an individual, get to know them, then and only then can you actually have an impression. With some people this takes days or weeks. The end goal is focusing on energy alone and the deeper perceptions of what this person stands for and not on their looks or what economic class they come from (social classes should be spiritual and intellectual not based on arbitrary things such as how much one makes its in the MIND as in Ancient india the warrior class or the Priest class or the Philosopher) so don’t judge a book by its cover. Judge a book by its content.

Well said!


Well-known member
I like that article, jupiterianguru.

It reminded me of this video I saw. Made me feel really bad.

Yeah I know it's really sad. Ask an Aquarius ascendant (me and some others we know) as ascendant rules appearance many of us love the kind of grimy or homeless look (no matter how well off we are in way or don't care and may openly admit it or rebel (I know me and a friend tried to see how "dirty" we could look years ago and not get comments) but for the rest of the ascendants (with the exception of maybe Sagittarius and definitely Pisces but they don't take it as far as we do) they will judge you somewhat that is if they haven't been brainwashed Its sad. the ultra mite goal though probably shouldn't be to rebel but not to care but oh we'll it's the nature of that sign.
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