Beginning of influence of solar chart energy?


Well-known member
When do you typically begin to feel the energy of the new Solar Chart? I have read that you may begin to feel it 3 months prior to your birthday. For me, I had sun, venus and Jupiter in the 8th last year and my mom was diagnosed with cancer 4 months after my birthday. This year, I have 5 planets in the 6th with planets in the 10th and 2nd indicating a good year in my career yet I remain unemployed after 2.5 months after my birthday. Just wondering about your experiences with regard to the influence of Solar Charts. thanks!!


Well-known member
I also agree that you can begin to feel the effects of a Solar Return up to 3 months before your birthday. For example, I have a heavy 4th house emphasis (with the 8th playing a secondary role) this year. I relocated to the West Coast in August (birthday is in 2 weeks). However, I'm not sure if my birthplace solar return or my relocated solar return will dominate. I'm posting a new thread on this topic shortly.

dr. farr

Well-known member
I also have seen influences anticipate the beginning of the SR year by up to several months, in quite a few instances.


Active member
For me, it happen to start the SR feelings about one month before. This year I'm feeling the influences since beginning of August (my birthday is in November). :lol:


Well-known member
Mr. Morin recommends that, to avoid surprises, we cast not only the SR for year in question, but also for the preceding and succeeding years.

Time, and life, flow like a river. The present is built on the past and sets the stage for the future.

A solar return is only a special case of transit chart. Because it is the end of one annual solar cycle and the beginning of the next, it fixes the Ascendant, which is "What is coming up," or "What is on the horizon" for the year. At the Ascendant, what was below the horizon, unseen and unconscious, emerges into manifestation.


Wow, I never even considered that the energy of a SR could actually begin months before your birthday, but it does make a lot of sense! It's definitely something I'll keep in mind in the future.