6 retrograde planets


New member

I am a 26 years old woman intrested in the karmic part of all things. I am very happy, I know and I feel that God is taking care of me. I always try to see what I can learn from every situation, and what I can do to make a step forward in my evolution. So, if anyone can help me, please tell me what you think about my chart.
Here it is:

PS: what do you think my career should be?


Staff member


In looking at a choice for career, it helps to get a sense of the entire person, to see whether or not the traditional career fits well with them.

Since you have more planets on the top of your chart than the bottom you focus more on the outer world than your inner world

Since you have the same number of planets on the left and the right you switch between focusing on yourself and focusing on others

Since you have the most planets in the top right of your chart you use what you your relationships to do things for people in the outer world

You have a T-square focused on Sagittarius (expansion, also wisdom, religion) modifying Neptune (spirituality) focused in the 12th house (spirituality) conjunct (energy is combined with) Ascendant (self), another T-square is focused on Sagittarius modifying Moon (home, also emotions) focused in the 11th house (friends, also other people's self-expression) near the 12th house (spirituality), and an Easy Opposition focused on Scorpio (transformation) modifying Uranus (friends, also other people's self-expression) focused in the 11th house (friends, also other people's self-expression). There is a kite focused on Libra (relationships) modifying Pluto (transformation) focused in the 9th house (expansion, also wisdom, religion) conjunct Midheaven (outer world).

You have Leo (self-expression) modifying North node (future goals) conjunct Virgo (daily work) modifying Mars (being, also action) in a fate degree (strong energy) conjunct Jupiter (expansion, also wisdom, religion) focused in the 8th house (transformation).

Summing all this up, you are spiritual person who wants to do for others and help them to express themselves, uses the outer world experiences as a way of transformation. Any career you have will have to allow you to be free to express yourself the way you feel it is best to express yourself in order to help those around you, and put religious transformation into your daily work. Non-for-profits might be a good thing to look into, along with community centers in your area. Jobs which are people-centered and spiritually based are a natural focus for you.

For more on basic chart interpretation see:

