The Babylonian Zodiac-Star-Lore by Gravin White


Well-known member
I have Gavin White's book, and it is a gold mine of information for anyone interested in astrology's origins and evolution.


Well-known member
Accidentally found this new series of Babylonian Star-Lore on Skyscript. Worth reading, you may want to get a copy of the book.
Enjoy reading.
Ancient Babylonian Astrologer's website :smile:

includes software specifically designed for those practicing Ancient Babylonian Astrology

PRESS RELEASE 10 July 2013

'…....a scholarly book dedicated to Astronomy and Astrology of Mesopotamia reveals to the World the true age of Mesopotamian Astronomy and the true system of Mesopotamian Astrology - 'The Babylonian Astrolabe' is now in distribution by the largest academic publisher and distributor of books on the ancient Near East - EISENBRAUNS! The book's project manager is a scholar amongst the greatest authorities in the field - Professor Simo Parpola! This book shall end the dark one-hundred-year night of Kuglerian nihilism - ushering in a new era of amazing discoveries and profound understanding of ancient knowledge proving beyond doubt all tenets of the pan-Babylonists!......'


'….10 July 2013

Today is first of Du'uz in the ancient Mesopotamian calendar, heralded by appearance of first lunar crescent at sunset after summer solstice. At this auspicious time I received long-awaited news from professor Simo Parpola that my book 'Babylonian Astrolabe' has been finally printed in the days just preceding 4th of July 2013 when mighty Aldebaran becomes visible in the solar crown.....'

'…..This book was in preparation for 5 years - since the Melammu VI symposium in 2008 when I for the first time announced to the academic community my startling discovery that the path-positions of the 36 constellations in the Babylonian Astrolabe date from 5500 BC!

Now, after 5 years in which I wrote 15 versions of the book, the final edition has been printed! Inside there you will find the amazing discovery of the true history, intent and purpose of many Akkadian astrological texts, many of them translated and explained for the first time.

Be joyful!
