Always been alone; too weird for Earth

Hello! First time for this kind of thing, and not good at it, so forgive mistakes!
I am so glad I found this. I have alwys been alone, with what I would term 'intemittent' firendships. Once I learn what they have to teach me, they seem to vanish, and I never hear from them again-not by my choice!
I feel they are my teachers, and there are so many lessons to learn, that if the old friends stuck around, I wouldn't bother to make new ones, and would miss what the new ones had to teach me.
But it is very lonely. Until I learned about Chiron, I couldn't understand why this kept happening my whole life. I thought it was "something I did" to chase people away. But even in the case of people who STILL think of themselves as my friend, they don't call or write for years, even though I try to keep in touch;they don't respond. It leaves me wondering why they call me their friend; I also worry, did I offend them? Not so; one friend didn't call me, and I didn't call her, for two years, because we each thought the other was mad and didn't want any more to do with each other. I kept reading self-help books, hoping to 'change myself' so that people would like the 'real me' and stick around.
(illogical!, I know!) :andy:,
I would like to learn more. My life is hell right now;all alone;lost my closest friend in sudden mysterious death. Feel like I'm floating free from a space capsule and will never get back. Pluto in Capricorn now, transiting my natal moon in Capricorn in 11th house (and sign of Capr in empty 12th house.) I feel like my life is over; friend was siamese twin to me (mentally and spiritually). What do I do now?!



New member
Hello Harriet. I'm sorry to hear you feel so alone.

I came here seeking similar answers as you, and only registered today.

I can definitely relate to a lot of what you write here, as I've felt the same way most of my life. I've never had long-lasting friendships, and have never been able to understand why. I spend every hour of most every day alone. There are people who consider me a friend, some I've known for years, but I rarely hear from them. Most of the people I know live in other states, and have their own lives. There is no one for me to spend any time with. My closest friend lives over 2 hours away. We talk on the phone somewhat regularly, but it's just not the same as having someone to spend time with in person. My life has been in a lot of turmoil as well over the last year and a half or so, probably one of the most difficult periods I've ever had to go through, and with no one to really be able to lean on for emotional support or understanding has made it that much more difficult.

I'm sorry about the loss of your friend. I can only imagine what that must be like.

I try to look at all of this as a learning process, for some reason I'm meant to be where I am, emotionally and physically. If I had at least some clue as to why, it would make everything a lot easier. That's why I came here, to see if I could find some clues, somehow.

I believe everything happens for a reason.


Well-known member
I don't know what could possibly be wrong usually my closest friendships last for years.My two closest friends have been my friends for 10+ years now.
It's not actually like we communicate everyday though and if we did I'd get bored actually.So I like this,it's like we haven't contacted each other for a month and then we do.I don't find anything wrong with it.The time where we did not contact doesn't delete all the past experiences we've had.
Maybe you want you friend's to be everyday in your life and get panicked at the idea of not having heard from one for a whole week or more.
I am like that,there are times when I communicate with no one,but it doesn't mean that i have forgotten all about them or gotten mad.It's just my way,I need lots of space even from my friends.
I really don't know you how view your friendships to tell you more cause your info it's pretty limited.


Well-known member
Hello Harriet!

This felt weird, because you described much of my relationships with close friends, in a way I haven't been able to articulate for myself. But I've always felt it like that, it is just that the last year I've come to the same understanding that I'm supposed to learn something from these friends, and that has made the loss easier. Before that, growing up, I always just felt abandoned and lost...

But I'm really curious about your chart. Where is your Chiron, since you mentioned that. And the other placements? Can we look at your chart? Would really love to see if we have something in common. I don't know what causes this to happen to our friendships...

Thanks for sharing!
Hi! Thanks for answering.

I thought about it, and I think my experiences with people have forced me
to do two things:
1) To take more initiative in contacting my friends instead of waiting for them to do it.

2) To not assume the worst---"They hate me and never want to speak to me again; they think I'm a horrible person once they got to know me;
I must have done something to drive them away.

3) I have matured spiritually so much in the past nine months, and I
realize that the horrible things people have said to me since I was little
have to be deleted from my conscious and subconscious memory banks.
I realize that feelings of worthlessness have made me pull back and avoid
other people. I always felt I was never good enough to be anyone's friend because of negative view of self coming from family early in life.
Recent events in my life have taught me that everyone is ******* up, no one is perfect,(I believed 'they' were perfect, I was imperfect---brainwashing from my family while growing up.), and I need to believe that I have something to offer people, while realizing that not everyone will be willing to receive!
To answer your question about my horoscope, I keep it a secret, because I believe it is a cosmic fingerprint, but I will tell you that I have a Capricorn Moon in the 11th house in my natal chart, and Pisces in first house. So much activity in these signs right now, with malefic planets!
It scares me. Hidden enemies at work just newly discovered.
Secrets now being revealed; truth now coming out; illusions being blown away.


Well-known member
Dear Hermit:
I'm worried about you; please let us know if you are contemplating doing anything drastic because I've "been there done that" so to speak. My best friend died of cancer in 2007 and I miss him terribly!
Please share your birth chart info and maybe we can help you find that "silver lining". At the least, sharing yourself with us may help you to feel less alone.

Sending you love from the Universe, a concerned Scorpio Rising.:sideways:


Well-known member
Hello Harriet,

Please know that no matter what you have gone through in the past (or are going through now), it is important that you realize that your worth (as a human being and as a creative offspring of the universal "life-force" we call God) is inalienable. I am so sorry that you had to experience whatever it is that you went through with your family as a child that has made you think this untruth (i.e., that you are not worthy). The truth is that you (and each and every one us, if one so chooses to fully recognize it within themselves) are a god (not God the Creator, but a god . . . or a creative offspring of the Creator).

The most important thing that you can do for yourself right now is to nurture and rejuvenate yourself - mind, body, emotions and spirit - and claim back your personal power that has always been yours, Harriet . . . always!

Do not continue to give people the permission and validation (through your acceptance of same) to make negative judgments on the quality of your very existence and value as a human being. Their thoughts, their emotions, their ideas, their words and their actions is simply that – theirs! Whatever it is that they might have wanted from you or thought you should have conformed to – that is not your problem. You are an independent being that exists in her own right.

Also, please don’t make the mistake and think that if more than one person has said negative things to you that such must make it true; it does not. The only truth is your honest evaluation of yourself but before that can truly happen in a healthy way, it is essential that you obliterate the excess baggage of other people’s negative thoughts, feelings and emotions that you have picked up, accumulated and carried with you for so long . . . and bring a new and refreshed clarity of perspective in the ultimate (and infinite) value of your being.

I can totally understand how a strong Pisces element can contribute to your being very sensitive and receptive (or psychically attuned in an almost sponge-like manner) to other people’s thoughts, words and reactions and then assimilating them as your own. The fact is, such abilities really are a gift but need to be harnessed properly so that you do not get psychically flooded and bombarded with thinking that you are the cause of these various impressions and shield yourself accordingly.

Please feel free to PM me (if you wish), as I am really empathetic to your situation and can send you some valuable information that will help facilitate your healing process, build up your self-esteem and equip you with the inner resources you need to obliterate those negative impressions that are left as mental and emotional residues and entrapments of the past.

And if you need astrological insight that you prefer to keep confidential, I am willing to offer that as well.

Very Truly Yours,
Dear Shaun,

Thank you for the great words of encouragement.

Just what I needed to hear.

I had been wondering why I was 'left behind'.

I have been going through some awful stuff in the past nine months; strange stuff like hidden enemies (finally revealed) and a mentally ill stalker. (Capricorn in 'empty' 12th house)

I'm new to this so I can't tell who all can read this, but for anyone (Serafin5?)who is worried about me, the answer is: yes, I was wondering whether I deserved to go on living; I thought I was using up air, water, food, and space that could go to someone 'more deserving'.

But because I believe in 'heaven' and that I will see my friend again,
and because I have had some spiritual experiences that convinced me heaven is real, I won't do anything drastic. I am getting help---both church and secular counseling.

Shaun, I loved everything you said. I've only recently begun to appreciate how unique everyone is--including me!

I still have time in my life to develop talents that I let go dormant,
and I've done the Pisces thing and volunteered at a hospital, where I love
taking care of people and easing their fears because I understand fear so
well myself.

Recently, I re-watched a videotape of Wayne Dyer talk about getting rid of old stuff, and beginning a new phase of his life; that's where I am.
Clearing out old stuff; making room for stuff I put away and haven't
touched for years--my paints and pencils! Crochet needle and yarn.
And I bought supplies to make a batch of fudge!!!! (Hee,hee!!)

I have Capricorn Moon in the Eleventh House, which makes me very
critical of others, and even more so of myself. (I realize I act out the same behavior toward other people that was visited on me as I grew up.
I always thought I had to keep myself away from people who tried to be my friend, because I thought I had to be perfect first before people could accept me as a friend.
I have given up that goal of trying to achieve perfection!!!

Hi, Little Miss!--- My Chiron is in Capricorn in the eleveth house.
I don't know enough yet about that, except that I
understand that Chiron is early hurts/painful experiences. The abuse, criticism, and rejection affected every relationship I had in my life; I was
always aloof, waiting for someone to leave me at a moments notice, with no warning.

Hi, Pisces Moon---You sound so similar to me.
One of the things I have learned the hard way is not to rely on/lean on people as much as I did in the past. I think I was emotionally needy; afraid of being alone; so the universe was teaching me to be alone and like it, I think.

I'll write more later.

Thank all of you for your words. They really helped. Blessings on you!



Active member
hi there, saw your post, check out - it really helps, teaches people to take responsibility for their feelings and life, by changing their false beliefs, rescuing the inner child with Spiritual Guidance/inner Loving adult. it has been a life-saver for me and helped me immeasurably. you sound like you have the awareness that you learned these false beliefs of worthlessness from childhood (Like most people have), so you can now learn to give yourself the truth - that you are a child of god and deserve to have friends and goodness in your life, that whatever people told you in your childhood has nothing to do with you, it was about them, not you. astrology is helpful but innerbonding goes beyond that, to the core, to heal the essence of a person. my life is a million times better since i've learned to take responsibility for my life and reality, and to change my false beliefs to the truth. :cool:

peace and good luck.
Dear Cataluna,
Thanks for the referral to 'innerbonding'.
I decided to treat myself as if I was June Cleaver (Harriet One), and
she has to take care of Wally and 'the Beaver' (Harriet's Two and Three).

She is going to clean house, make a decent meal, wash the dishes,
and serve bowls of ice cream and let them watch tv in their jammies.
Then she'll tuck them in and kiss them good night.
And she isn't going to let Eddie Haskell make any trouble for them!

I'm going to be nice to myself and encourage me to restart all the things I gave up years ago. My life is coming back.

Hi, Astro-intuitive: Just re-read your words. I'm going to print them and hang them up on the wall.

Hello, Saturnian: Thank you for your wise words.
It is hard to accept what you said; I'm still trying
to figure out why it is so long between contacts. My close friend and I
talked about four days out of seven. Even when we had nothing really important to say, we'd call just to say goodnight. Sometimes just didn't say anything; all we could hear was each other's breathing. If I didn't hear from him, I worried, and he worried about me. I guess I must be spoiled; I expect every friend to be that 'connected'.


Account Closed
Hello! First time for this kind of thing, and not good at it, so forgive mistakes!
I am so glad I found this. I have alwys been alone, with what I would term 'intemittent' firendships. Once I learn what they have to teach me, they seem to vanish, and I never hear from them again-not by my choice!
I feel they are my teachers, and there are so many lessons to learn, that if the old friends stuck around, I wouldn't bother to make new ones, and would miss what the new ones had to teach me.
But it is very lonely. Until I learned about Chiron, I couldn't understand why this kept happening my whole life. I thought it was "something I did" to chase people away. But even in the case of people who STILL think of themselves as my friend, they don't call or write for years, even though I try to keep in touch;they don't respond. It leaves me wondering why they call me their friend; I also worry, did I offend them? Not so; one friend didn't call me, and I didn't call her, for two years, because we each thought the other was mad and didn't want any more to do with each other. I kept reading self-help books, hoping to 'change myself' so that people would like the 'real me' and stick around.
(illogical!, I know!) :andy:,
I would like to learn more. My life is hell right now;all alone;lost my closest friend in sudden mysterious death. Feel like I'm floating free from a space capsule and will never get back. Pluto in Capricorn now, transiting my natal moon in Capricorn in 11th house (and sign of Capr in empty 12th house.) I feel like my life is over; friend was siamese twin to me (mentally and spiritually). What do I do now?!


Too weird for earth? ------hugs Harriet with no hint of letting go------I know what you mean! You know I frequently have powerful, strange dreams. VERY much, another time...much younger, I distinctly remember waking up and feeling very odd, not right in a physical body. I was totally out of sorts...I just walked out into the back garden, sat down in complete distress, I felt so trapped in a body...

So you're not alone!

And as for the friend thing, snap! Me too! Friendships have always been tricky for me. And I too have that 'teacher' problem. I'm untuitively attracted to people who can 'teach' me...and with every group or individual, I reach that point where I look and listen and the feeling is gone...I feel it's over...I just know...I used to hate it. It's like fate saying it's over between you. But you eventually go with the flow, it's like some part of you knows what you're doing...just follow the design...:whistling:

----hugs again----:biggrin:


Well-known member
Harriett, I'm relieved to hear that your posts are sounding so much more positive; I sincerely hope that you are feeling better. I'm so impressed by how pro-active you've become by all of your positive activities. Lots 'o Hugs to you!

I quickly wanted to share what I did to get better and not want to 'prematurely' leave this earth. I simply had to change my attitude. I have a great councelor and through writing 10 things each day (or more) the things that you are grateful for really can open up the floodgates of the Universe and the God-conscientiousness for blessings. It's called simply "the attitude of gratitude". Also, I really enjoyed watching "The Secret" based on the best-selling book of the same name. :happy:

You'll be in my thoughts.


Well-known member
Dear Shaun,

Thank you for the great words of encouragement.

Just what I needed to hear.

I had been wondering why I was 'left behind'.

I have been going through some awful stuff in the past nine months; strange stuff like hidden enemies (finally revealed) and a mentally ill stalker. (Capricorn in 'empty' 12th house)

I'm new to this so I can't tell who all can read this, but for anyone (Serafin5?)who is worried about me, the answer is: yes, I was wondering whether I deserved to go on living; I thought I was using up air, water, food, and space that could go to someone 'more deserving'.

But because I believe in 'heaven' and that I will see my friend again,
and because I have had some spiritual experiences that convinced me heaven is real, I won't do anything drastic. I am getting help---both church and secular counseling.

Shaun, I loved everything you said. I've only recently begun to appreciate how unique everyone is--including me!

I still have time in my life to develop talents that I let go dormant,
and I've done the Pisces thing and volunteered at a hospital, where I love
taking care of people and easing their fears because I understand fear so
well myself.

Recently, I re-watched a videotape of Wayne Dyer talk about getting rid of old stuff, and beginning a new phase of his life; that's where I am.
Clearing out old stuff; making room for stuff I put away and haven't
touched for years--my paints and pencils! Crochet needle and yarn.
And I bought supplies to make a batch of fudge!!!! (Hee,hee!!)

I have Capricorn Moon in the Eleventh House, which makes me very
critical of others, and even more so of myself. (I realize I act out the same behavior toward other people that was visited on me as I grew up.
I always thought I had to keep myself away from people who tried to be my friend, because I thought I had to be perfect first before people could accept me as a friend.
I have given up that goal of trying to achieve perfection!!!

Hi, Little Miss!--- My Chiron is in Capricorn in the eleveth house.
I don't know enough yet about that, except that I
understand that Chiron is early hurts/painful experiences. The abuse, criticism, and rejection affected every relationship I had in my life; I was
always aloof, waiting for someone to leave me at a moments notice, with no warning.

Hi, Pisces Moon---You sound so similar to me.
One of the things I have learned the hard way is not to rely on/lean on people as much as I did in the past. I think I was emotionally needy; afraid of being alone; so the universe was teaching me to be alone and like it, I think.

I'll write more later.

Thank all of you for your words. They really helped. Blessings on you!


Hello Harriet (Smile),

I am just happy to listen to and feel the brighter note from which you are speaking . . . a lot more positive energy. What I said is the truth - for any human being. And the fact that you were able to go from the state you were in to this new emerging sense of positive expression just goes to show the magnificent power and resiliency of the human mind and spirit! We are all self-rejuvenating beings and just need to feed ourselves the right fuel for our minds, bodies and souls and to believe in and treat ourselves with the utmost respect as worthy channels, creative offspring and infinite possibilities of consciousness energy.

Many humans do not realize how powerful we really are - both for good and for bad. What they do not realize is that our most god-like power and magnificent capability - the mind and free-will - can also be our most dangerous liability and enemy, if it is not nourished correctly and exercised properly.

Every war that has been started, every crime that has been committed, every religious act of terror that has been enacted (in the name of 'something' or 'someone') - even the notion that we were born in "sin" and that man is "imperfect" (whatever that means . . . to what standard of 'being perfect' have those who so vehemently proclaim same have seen, measured and 'practiced' in their own lives?) - all derives from the ideas, philosophies, beliefs and feelings one has (or we have) - showing, in explicit detail that: the mind, ideas, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, philosophies all are a matter of life and death! (This is how the saying " . . . mind is the builder and that which we think upon may become crimes or miracles. For thoughts are things and as their currents run through the environs of an entity's experience these become barriers or steppingstones . . .“ holds true.)

Yet, on the positive side, once you take one look around you and see all that has been created and that exists today (as opposed to “only” mountains, wild jungles of bushes, trees and animals, and miles of empty land and rock), you will clearly see how that which has helped (and continues to help) raise our standard of living (for example: our cities, companies, scientific developments in the areas of technology – health – medicine – psychology, places of residences [including suburbs, which complement and balance nature with the man-made], transportations, parks, zoos, maintenance, up-keep and beautification of natural habitats – lawns – grasses – trees, careers, music, books, plays, artistic expressions, laws-checks-balances, communications across the world, educational institutions, knowledge and exploration of the universe, et cetera, et cetera) is a direct expression of that which was created from the human mind . . . that co-creative genius we all possess but rarely access and use to our best capabilities and well-being!

The moral here is that we possess the enormous capability and responsibility for which the direction our thoughts turn, are fed and are enacted . . . which, ultimately, determines whether they lead to ‘crimes’ or 'miracles' within ourselves and throughout the outer world.

It is also to say and to remind you of your own ultimate power as a co-creator and that the mind and spirit properly directed can take you to heights you might not have even imagined. You have already started to demonstrate the miracles of self-healing by accessing the "god-force" within you and realizing how worthy you really are.

God Bless,


Active member
hello Harriet, - yes, you got it, that is the essence of "innerbonding", to develop an inner Loving Adult, (Harriet One) to care for the lovable and worthy inner child (Harriet 2 and 3), doing this consistently is amazingly healing and a great short-cut to self acceptance. Harriet One will enjoy parenting, Cap. Moon, is a great parent, to take responsibility for the care of the inner child. :cool:
So don't be so hard on yourself Cap. Moon, is is normal for an 11th house. cap. moon to feel emotionally alienated from others at times, as a defense mechanism from childhood you have learned to put up walls around others and to be aloof, but you can feel like a real outsider sometimes and very alienated. Kiron is the wound of the chart, and being in the 11th, your wound is with friendships, heightening that feeling of alienation w/ the moon there in the 11th too, but Kiron is the "wounded healer" and where Kiron sits in the chart is where one does their deepest healing. So for you this will be with friendships. First, you must become the best friend to yourself, and nurture self-acceptance, then you will attract that to you.
Hang in there. Cap. moon is the task- master, so just apply this to healing your inner world, and you'll get there quickly.



Well-known member
Shaun: I just wanted to say that what you last wrote to Harriet was spot-on; THOUGHTS ARE THINGS! So, so true.

Just meditating on this fact of life can be utterly life altering. Take it a step further and you see life and the world differently; you start to take responsibility for the part you play and hopefully come away feeling humble gratitude: "The attitude of gratitude".

So I'll get off my soapbox now. Just wanted to say thanks.

A Scorpio Rising:sideways:


Well-known member
Hi there,
It's been a while since I got on this website. I also have Pluto transiting my natal moon in Capricorn ( in my 9th house).... it's due for it's final hit in October, and it's been a roller coaster for sure. However if I can try and offer reassurance that it's shifting stuff that needs to be shifted. I have experienced the most extreme highs and lows in my life over the past few years, but if I dare say it, somehow the punches aren't knocking me down as hard... somewhere there is a strength gained. For me it's been a huge wake up call in regards to letting go of things that are not serving me well.. It's a big transit, so don't give up, just try to ride it like a big wave and realize things will change, don't try to think too far ahead and give yourself permission to feel everything that you are meant to feel, good and bad.
I also have Saturn transiting my natal Pluto in the 6th house in Libra.... this has been a bit like pushing **** up hill too. In the midst of it all, I freaked myself out totally by trying to read into my chart and foreseeing catastrophe around a transit in the middle of the year.... I experienced huge amounts of stress and anxiety because of this and I said that I would give up astrology if I made it through!!! It's now past the middle of the year and I have found myself back on the computer reading astrology information??? Why?? To try and understand myself.... as far as delving into transits and predicting the future.. one thing I can say from my experience is that whatever you think will happen, you will never get it right!
I also connect to many of the above posts in regards to friendships and connections coming and going.... and feeling very isolated. A relationship has just ended which has left me devastated, with a much younger guy - a connection like nothing I have ever experienced.... I just wanted to keep hanging on, but it wasn't healthy for us... and he was much wiser and knew it was just a beautiful meeting that had to end.....
I am now alone.... and i am not one to reach out to others...
I have mercury and chiron close together in the 12th house.... mmmm??? Oh and transiting uranus hanging out there too......
Any knowledge or experiences welcomed....
Hang in there people.


Well-known member
Hi Harriet:

I like the title of your thread. I have always felt I was "too weird for earth" myself. I have known for a long time that I am definately too weird for most people. I have always thought of this as a good thing - I am proud to be myself but yes, it does cause problems like you say and it can be very sad to deal with.

I have this problem also. Old friends fade away like that. I do meet new ones but none as close as those old ones (I think it is easier to make close friends when you are younger.) Someone sent me a quote about that - can't remember the whole thing - but it went somewhere along the lines of that there is a reason why these people were in your life at a certain time and now not anymore.

I never understood this before but now I am trying to just accept their there might be reasons why these people disappear from our lives at certain times and than, before you know it, new ones kind of appear. Those may disappear also but some may not. I hate it too but I think that some of the friends that have left my life - I look back on it and they were really not the kind of friends I wanted anyhow. Some I wish I hadn't lost touch with - unfortunately, it is just happens and the way modern society is, it happens more and more often now. Unfortuntately, it is hard to find people who will be true friends. I am one of those people myself - who stays a true friend but if the other person is not like that than good luck keeping them around. It really frustrates me to no end. I figure their loss.

For myself, I am learning a lot about myself, esp. the things I didn't understand before, by learning about my natal chart. I still have a long way to go but one of the best thing I have learned was about my Scorpio Rising - now, I know WHY some people avoid me! I don't like it but at least, I am not confused about it anymore. I am thinking that my rising sign in a quite powerful and interesting one and if they are scared off by it than they will miss out on a true loyal friend that is lurking beneath those intimating eyes!

I hope you stay on here and learn about your chart. It really helps as a guide in one's life. Well, that is what I am using it for. The right friends will want to stay around you. Some times it is just hard to find them is all. :)


Well-known member
Your title reminds me of a quote I've always liked...
"Too weird to live, and too rare to die" - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

I hadnt heard this quote before. Cool! This is totally me too!

Some people are drawn to me because I am very unique and than eventually repelled from me for the same reason. I guess they just can't handle my power. (wimps! :biggrin:)

I think us "weirdos" of the world have inner knowledge to something sacred that the "normals" just will never understand. I consider myself lucky to be in this realm. The 'normals' bore me anyhow - I would rather have the weirdos as friends anyday - they make life more interesting.
Hi Skillcoil,
I'm not a professional astrologer, but I've always read that the 12th house held the influence of hidden things such as secrets one hides from oneself, and when Pluto is transiting the 12th house, it gives experiences that blow away the smokescreen of self-delusion, and frees you from a false view you used to have of yourself and shows the reality. It also shows activity from
'secret enemies'---but you eventually discover who they are. I did.
Thanks to all; gotta go; see you soon ---Harriet


Well-known member
I hadnt heard this quote before. Cool! This is totally me too!

Some people are drawn to me because I am very unique and than eventually repelled from me for the same reason. I guess they just can't handle my power. (wimps! :biggrin:)

I think us "weirdos" of the world have inner knowledge to something sacred that the "normals" just will never understand. I consider myself lucky to be in this realm. The 'normals' bore me anyhow - I would rather have the weirdos as friends anyday - they make life more interesting.

Beautifuly said!! I agree!!