Why does Saturn rule Aquarius?


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Change is inevitable.



What would constitute being "born under this sign"? Probably not Sun-sign Astrology, although I suppose it's possible.

The Kali Yuga, by most accounts, is ending, not beginning. It's about a separation between the Mundane, materialistic perspective and the Spiritual and has resulted in Spiritual darkness for over 5000 years. So, prophecies of an uplifting Aquarian Age are in line with the transition OUT of the Kali Yuga which is already in progress.

It means Aquarius rising. As can be seen in the rest of the chapter, the qualities depend on the condition of the ruler. These seem to be on average, due to the malefic nature of Saturn. However, just as with Aries Rising, if Saturn is in his sign and bound, angular and with benefics in aspect, one will not at all possess most of these qualities except crafts, popularity and generosity for example.

While some Hindus might think that the Kali Yuga is ending, this is not the case with Christians and Buddhists.

The sign of the Sun has almost no effect in traditional astrology by itself. One of the signs of ''uplifting and progress'' of modern times.
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david starling

Well-known member
It means Aquarius rising. As can be seen in the rest of the chapter, the qualities depend on the condition of the ruler. These seem to be on average, due to the malefic nature of Saturn. However, just as with Aries Rising, if Saturn is in his sign and bound, angular and with benefics in aspect, one will not at all possess most of these qualities except crafts, popularity and generosity for example.

While some Hindus might think that the Kali Yuga is ending, this is not the case with Christians and Buddhists.

The sign of the Sun has almost no effect in traditional astrology by itself. One of the signs of ''uplifting and progress'' of modern times.

Christians are waiting for the Second Coming, as prophesied in the New Testament. Many Hindus are of the belief the Kali Yuga is ending, and some believe it has ended already, and that we're now in a "transition period".


Christians are waiting for the Second Coming, as prophesied in the New Testament. Many Hindus are of the belief the Kali Yuga is ending, and some believe it has ended already, and that we're now in a "transition period".

New Age Christians aside, the majority of the ''hardcore'' ones believe that an antichristian kingdom must come before it. For it is written:
''Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;/μή τις ὑμᾶς ἐξαπατήσῃ κατὰ μηδένα τρόπον: ὅτι ἐὰν μὴ ἔλθῃ ἡ ἀποστασία πρῶτον καὶ ἀποκαλυφθῇ ὁ ἄνθρωπος τῆς ἀνομίας, ὁ υἱὸς τῆς ἀπωλείας,'' - 2 Thessalonians 2:3

The Koine New Testament is a joy to read. First the falling away is related to apostasy and the perdition is related to the final destruction, indeed.
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Well-known member
Apart from the Thema Mundi logic, I think you have explained the Cap vs. Aqua dichotomy when it comes to the same ruler - Saturn.
Both Aquarius and Cap value structures and systems. Cap wants materialism, reputation, and wealth. Aq wants structures that are impersonal and without a profit motive. Both are into authority, but Cap authority is based on status, whose judgments are rooted in efficiency and function. Aq on the other hand judges structures based on intellect, principles and ideas. So Cap is kind of like the judge and efficiency monitor of the material world whereas Aq does it more on the conceptual plane. Caps change their judgments when better efficiency models are introduced, whereas Aq change their judgments when things fit into their mental systems.

Aq affects human systems in a more broad, diffuse way... an 11th house way. Networks, collectives, information connections. Cap is more concerned with material exchanges. A corporate exec is a good symbol for Cap, whereas the dean of a university would be a good Aq one.

In esoteric astrology, the higher purpose of Cap is to transcend personal gain and begin to transmit the Divine purpose into material systems, through their top-level access to human hierarchies. That is how Cap's Saturn remakes the world. Aq on the other hand has to transcend its mental fixations about "correct knowledge" so that human knowledge can be fairly accessed by everyone transparently. The internet is an example of an Aquarian Age technology... it has democratized all knowledge. Nobody holds all the books.


Well-known member
I honestly think that Saturn rules Aquarius because astrologers were just like: "Well we 12 signs, and only 7 planets...uhh...let's just give Saturn to Aquarius because it's just as cold and detached as Capricorn.

Thankfully, the astrologers who devised the system thought deeper than that.

I disagree. Saturn doesn’t rule aquarius.

The ancient people/astrologers were very playful and fond of merriment. After a long day of skipping along the grasslands and beaches of ancient Greece, they laid down on the flower patches to stare at the stars. Then after having drank their wines, they capriciously assigned these planets to the later signs because they ran out of them having only 7 out of process of elimination. They all clapped, drank some more, and wrote it down on their scrolls haphazardly.

It wasn’t until modern perfected it and the true meaning of Uranus came out. That’s why Aquarian people were suppressed and never associated with their signs. Critical thought came after the discovery of Uranus as it is a karmic lesson to use technology to advance society. Modern astrology uses creative logic to come to a detailed chart analysis.
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