Making my own astrological planner...need help!

I know that one obvious omission I've made are solar arc directions. Unfortunately I don't feel I know enough about them to include them with all my other, dear lord, I've put so much in I hope that at this point solar arcs would only function as further evidence of some event I've already accounted for.

Any ideas/suggestions?

Solar arcs are really simple, especially for beginners, just move the Angles, Asc, Desc, MC, IC 1' for each year of your life onto planets and vice versa. Not just used for rectification either. Under age 12 though these interpretations are directed towards family changes, maybe relocation, job changes, illnesses, additions to family etc. Another example is my Pluto is 28' Leo in 7th house and my Uranus is 3' Leo in same house to subtract these and you get age 25. That year my then husband and I had an almighty explosion (Uranus) and transformation (Pluto) of that marriage that started the demise and ultimate ending thereof....
Further research on solar arcs try these threads.

Lastly, if you go onto Extended chart selection and do natal, progressions and solar arcs, just above the default tab 'circular charts' the next one along 'special charts' you can select Transit calender for 3years, in PDF format... or even
a 'graphical empheris for 1 year (5years or 10years) which pulls a graph for where your personal transits are. Just play around
