Dark Pisces


Well-known member
theres a few things connected to planets and houses.

the rulership of a Planet is the House Cusp of the planet's original sign.
the dipositor of a Planet is the sign that its currently in original planet.

The moon rules 12th house. since cancer cusp rules 12th.
The dispositor of the moon is Pluto since the moon is in scorpio.

One points to a house connection while the other points to a planet connection.

The moon's energy would be made up of the dispositors aspects, but the Moon would be activate in a certain House.


AI didnt actually say your perception didnt matter I said you might be magnifying or minimizing things out of scale as you minimize the importance of aspects and magnify fear and importance of what is called reality. Also another thing about birth chats is that thy are not your nature they are the potenial effects on you and it is up to you what you bring front an how you react to their effects on you Birth charts show us general account on natal effects but they alo point to lessons to be learned for a better expression or an understanding. One thing I'll suggest is taking this as your journey and not let one perception to become your understanding of life. Having an overview in the sense that being able to look at your situation from up front and a larger perspective is good. I may suggest drama classes or psyhodrama classes to have better handling of what oure experiening. Another thing is that our perception is shaped by what we are attuned to and no placement ii the worst or best. Ive seen pisces people who are very bright and happy outlooks and scropio moons who have ccontrol over their abilities to forge their own beautiful realities. I know you sholud be liking spontaneity but having a general and larger frame in mind. The problem witm too much pisces is that forms become too hazy and your percepion too. I Recommend taking up photography or sculpture to see how you percieve forms.

This is your mayan dreamspell signaure, please take a look

I'll write more on psychological and perception related issues and also on reference points with a better keyboard later.

Hey guys I'd like to state that I have in fact spoken to my mom for the first time in a while asking her about my birth time and it turns out that it was 12:05 not 3:15

This means I am Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon, Cancer Ascendant not Leo Ascendant, here is the chart to my actual birth chart


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