Austin Steinbart


Well-known member
I thought perhaps some people here would be interested in this man I've come across recently. Some of you guys may know about "Q" or "Q anon"... I'm personally not into that, but I am into what this guy has to say and intuitively I feel he's the real deal, so to speak

Some of this will be hard to believe, but I think he has enough evidence to back up his claims. I would like to note that despite the fact I'm not into the whole Q thing, there is also evidence Q is a real phenomenon and not just some pointless rabbithole as hints have been dropped referencing Q in various highly important places

but I digress, I'm most interested in what Austin himself has to say. Some people who are concerned with 5G tech may be interested also as if what he says is true, a new system will be activated that relies on satellites and not 5G tech or even 4G. Another interesting facet is quantum computers which apparently have the ability to deliver messages to the past so essentially his future self is giving him clues, guiding him as he puts together the puzzle pieces

the most interesting facet to me is that while we all know about the elite families of the world, it would seem the true elite family hides in the shadows, which makes sense. They essentially own most of the world. House Wettin

I know, it sounds absurd, but he does give ample evidence as well as linking what he has to say to the speech JFK was gonna deliver before he was assassinated which would presumably have exposed this family and all of their nefarious ways

Also, don't pay attention to how he says what he does as I believe he's purposely being provocative and inflammatory. Pay more attention to what he says and just approach it with an open mind

If he's lying tho, we'll all know soon enough Austin Steinbart Video channel


Well-known member
Everything he says makes sense. And he doesn't at all seem like he's just ranting. Of everyone to come forward with pieces of the puzzle of what's really going on in this world, this guy is by far the most believable

We can also note the number of bigtime CEOs stepping down. Why would they be stepping down if something big wasn't happening?
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