What happened in your profection years ?


Well-known member
Ive been looking into profections more.... so this year im in a 5th house profection year, time lord being mars.

Nataly, mars is conjunct pluto and is debilitated in libra. So my themes for the profection year are 5th house related and to do with mars/pluto (im including pluto too as pluto is tightly conjoined with mars).

And so far so true...

As some of you may know, there was the mars related attack i experienced new years eve, this happened exactly when mars by transit had just entered aries, and would have conjuncted my profected Ascendent.

I've been with my boyfriend all the way through this profection year so far (5th house), dating.

Id like to hear some other stories of your profection years, and how they manifested themselves. So please share.
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