Should I work doing podcasts as a consultant online?


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Part of Fortune is in the 1st house, at 26 libra.
Part of Success is in the 8th house, at 17 taurus, square the stellium of mercury/moon/saturn.

There is a reception between Venus and moon, ruler of the midheaven.
Venus is in the triplicity of moon, while moon is in the terms of Venus.
The income is 2nd house, ruled by Venus. The cusp is at 29 degrees, void.
The work itself is 6th, pisces, which is appropriate for the type of work, and sun is there conjunct the house rulers, Jupiter and Neptune.
North node is near the 9th cusp, so SN (why is it not entered??) is by the 3rd cusp.
Communications could present a problem, ruled by mars, as is the 8th house.
Mars is about to conjunct pluto in the 4th.
Venus will catch up just before mars leaves the sign.
Notice that ascendent ruler, Venus, is exactly in the degree of the nodes, which would signify that the decision is already set, and is out of the hands of the querent, although it is not known. It is an intervention by Fate.
Lastly, note that Chiron in opposing the ascendent.