why did he contact me?


Well-known member

I got a text the other morning from an old ex who i havent had any contact with in 6 months. we had a short and intense relationship in 2007 which ended badly. i had tried to keep in touch with him in the hopes that he would warm up to me (i broke it off, long story), but he seems to carry very deep resentment towards me for ending it. i stopped all communication with him 6 months ago and deleted him from my facebook etc because i felt it was pointless and he wasnt going to get over the past, and i wanted to not have him as a thought in my mind anymore. in all the time since we broke up, he never initiated contact, it was always me emailing him.

anyway so he texted me out of the blue the other morning. at first i was very happy to hear from him, and called him up and we spoke briefly and he asked me to call him back later. when i texted him later in the day asking him what time was good for him (we live in different countries), he responded basically saying that he didnt want to speak to me on the phone, and had just been worried about me and would email me soon. i was very put off by this response- why contact me and then tell me you dont actually want to speak to me? i responded and told him that we should not keep in touch, and for him to not contact me again, which is what i wanted in the first place.

so i am wondering, why did he contact me in the first place?

he is saturn in libra in second, i am sun in aquarius in 6th, and moon in 9th cusping 10th. moon is angular and strong, he is succedent in 2nd. we are both exhalted in our respective signs although my sun is in the fall in aquarius.

i(sun) am conjunct venus, which signifies him as a lover. i am thinking of him, but its in 6th in aquarius, i feel detachment about it and have been seeking detachment from him. i feel like trying to relate to him in the past has been a lot of work, work that i see no point in doing anymore.

saturn trines sun/me, approaching exact.

turning the chart, i am in his 4th (moon) and 12th(sun). maybe he has been dreaming about me, me in his 12th- he said he was worried about me (i'm perfectly fine). i have been hidden from him, i deleted him off facebook, he hasnt heard from me in months. me in his 4th, i am very dear to him.

saturn squaring mercury conj pluto in 5th, his 11th. not sure what to make of that, and the fact that moon/me is aspecting mercury/pluto as well but by trine...?

end of the matter, his fourth, my turned 10th. i am there as the moon.
in answer to my question, why did he contact me, its because he has been thinking about me. ..?

what about mars in my 12th? not sure how to bring that into the interpretation.

i realized after i drew up the chart that i could have asked a better question, but in actual fact, i dont really want to know whether he will contact me again, and i kind of hope he doesnt anyway.

am i getting anything wrong/missing anything? feedback appreciated.


Well-known member
With the Sun about to form a malefic trine to Saturn (Sun falls in Libra, and is detrimented in Aquarius), plus Moon exalted on the MC, my best guess would be - to find out if you still have feelings for him, and - to hurt you.

I don't see anything good about his intentions, in any event.

I realise this doesn't go into a lot of psychological depth, but that's what it looks like to me - just firing off a barb at you for whatever reason.

Hi Olivia,

yes, this is exactly what i thought the whole thing was about, that he wanted to check to make sure he still "has me" emotionally, and then to give me a little kick in the teeth, that is his style. hes the king of underhanded barbs and casual putdowns, part of why i want nothing to do with him anymore. Thanks for your input!