Will we have a family together?


Premium Member

I get the feeling you will not have a family together in the time frame you have in mind. You/Venus hold him/Mars very dear, exalting him by reception, and also with you/Moon in his/7th house. But Moon as it relates to children is hot and dry in Aries, so to me not pointing to family yet. The lack of aspect between you/Venus and him/Mars suggests that you and he may not be on the same page yet about this? And with you/Venus retrograde, you are not in the best shape right now. But Venus is cazimi the Sun, and this is a rare favorable contact. So again I would say not in the time frame you are thinking, but who knows what may come to pass after that?
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Premium Member
Thank you for your reply..
Can you see if he has feelings for me?
And what this aspect Venus cazimi Sun means?

Based on reception from him/Mars to you/Venus, I am not seeing much feeling from him toward you.
If you do a search on cazimi, it will explain to you what it means.


Well-known member
I read We as the first house only. The ruler is Venus and it is in Cazimi (exact aspect with the Sun) which is quite auspicious. Your co-ruler is the Moon in Aries in the 7th house - also positive and it will sextile the ruler of the 5th house - Saturn (its domicile) in 4 units of time - maybe months. The only issue I see is the the 5th house ruler - Aquarius is considered semi-barren so it will probably take some "work" to make it happen :)
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Well-known member
Thank you! So does this mean that in 4 months approximately, there's a possibility that we could start "trying"
Also does the cazimi mean that his feelings for me will grow more in the future and that will put him in a different frame of mind towards our relationship? Or does this have to do with my venus/feminine issues and how I treat/take care of myself and my feelings/expectations?
Please explain your situation so I can answer appropriately. What is the status of your relationship?


Well-known member
We're at a distance at present and have stopped the relationship, but I still have feelings for him.
First you need a relationship for this question. When you say will we have a family - it assumes there is a we. There is no we at present time. Perhaps you can ask a question later such as will we get back together.


Well-known member
A little further up, I posted my original question and chart which was Will we ever be together?
In my mind I also had the word again..

There is a difference as L1 and L7 have different significators. L1 - you, is Mercury conjunct Saturn (some depression on your part) which is in Aquarius. He is Jupiter in Pisces conjunct the 6th house cusp. There is no reception between them. Mercury will be turning retrograde on Jan. 15 and will go back into Capricorn on the 26th. This will put Mercury in Jupiter's detriment - he will like you even less at that point. However, you also get Venus as a woman and he gets the Sun as a man. Those planets symbolize the animal (think sexual) aspects of the relationship and they are Cazimi in Capricorn with Venus retrograde. Again, Venus is Jupiter's detriment so even if there is a sexual relationship, he doesn't like Venus at the soul/higher level. You also get the Moon in this scenario. The Moon is in Aries in the 7th house - you really want a partnership. The Sun and Venus bring the Moon into their detriment so the animal selves are not too keen on the soul level either. You as Moon do exalt his Sun from Aries but you are putting him on a pedestal that is not solid. My sense is that your feelings about him will change when Mercury turns retrograde and when it combusts with the Sun.