Moon's last aspect in a horary chart

dr. farr

Well-known member
Combust is a worse state for the Moon BY FAR, than VOC (note that prior to Ibn Ezra in the 12th century, none of the earlier pioneer horary astrologers were much concerned with a VC Moon; the idea that a VC Moon means "nothing will come of the matter", or considering that a VC Moon is a stricture against judgement, was really only first enunciated by Ibn Ezra in the 1100's, and then carried forward into European horary doctrine, by Bonatti and later horarists like Lilly et al; I myself do NOT consider a VC Moon in horary to mean much at all, and it is not a stricture as far as I am concerned)


Well-known member
Combust is a worse state for the Moon BY FAR, than VOC (note that prior to Ibn Ezra in the 12th century, none of the earlier pioneer horary astrologers were much concerned with a VC Moon; the idea that a VC Moon means "nothing will come of the matter", or considering that a VC Moon is a stricture against judgement, was really only first enunciated by Ibn Ezra in the 1100's, and then carried forward into European horary doctrine, by Bonatti and later horarists like Lilly et al; I myself do NOT consider a VC Moon in horary to mean much at all, and it is not a stricture as far as I am concerned)

So does a Combust Moon mean that things will not go the way the querent hopes (in this case, a negative answer to "will N be back?") or that the question cannot be answered right now?

dr. farr

Well-known member
It negates the Moon in the chart-the Sun takes the Moon's place because the Sun has absorbed the Moon: if Moon is the primary quesited significator, then the Sun takes the Moon's place; if Moon is co-significator, Moon does not operate (have any influence) in the given horary delineation
(NOTE: just a reminder that these are the oldtime doctrines of Ottoman and Islamic-transitional era horary, and later Western horary may have a different outlook regarding this particular issue)


Well-known member
Thanks for all of your input. I really appreciate it.

I'm going to leave this for now and if in a months or two's time, I still cannot get him out of my mind, I'll ask the same question again.

I've just made a new chart for the other guy (it's in a new thread and I've also included my own interpretation) so it would be great if you could have a look and give me some pointers.


Well-known member
You can't keep on asking questions one after another. If you already did and Moon was Void, its tells us nothing much will happen right now.

And' I wouldn't ask about the ex again... this chart already told you the answer - he ain't coming back. Just date the new guy and see what happens. You should only ask a horary question when you have a burning need to know, otherwise the chart won't be radical and will only give you muddled answers, which will just confuse you more. Horary cannot make decisions for you, it can shows trends for the next few months, which way the direction is going if you stay on the same course, but the final decision lies with you.

Best wishes!
Hi Rafaella. Totally missed your post!

No, i wasn't going to ask about him again! I was going to ask about a different guy.


Well-known member
Hi All, just wanted to give a quick update on the matter.

In short, the quesited has not come back and I can confirm he is still alive and at least well enough to update his Facebook profile picture. I have moved on since then so even if he did come back now, I would not have anything to do with him.

Thanks to everyone who helped interpret chart.