Where is my headphone charger?


Well-known member
they are wireless headphones so i have to charge them but i have no idea where the charger is. can anyone help?


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Well-known member
There are 3 testimonies it will be found!
Ruler is in AQ so it can be in or near a built-in device or equipment, a shelf or a closet that is not part of the house, near electrical appliances, radios, televisions, computers, in a TV room with stereo equipment, near a telephone area, close to a meter panel or fuse box, close to a light in a room that has been remodeled or modernized, an additional room with modern furniture, part of the house that was in the original structure, in rooms upstairs, the attic, near a drafty window, planning or drafting room or a room with barely comfortable furniture. Also it can be near papers, books, paper money.
Ruler in 3 house means to look also in the car or garage. A sibling may have it or know where it is. At home of the neighbors Look in a desk or where letters or books are kept. Look at the TV or media room, or where you study, or in some cupboard near stairway.
Also look among things for short journey.

Direction: Northeast
Near colour: blue, purple, red, yellow, orange, green

POF is in Leo in 9 house. So, it can be in a sun porch, a room in a house where you have more windows, play room, living room, room where children spend time playing, room or place lacking orderliness, place where gold plated articles are kept, room or places belonging to your children, room with expensive furnishings, a toy chest, pool and game room, children's bedroom. Near some source of heat or at showy, glamorous places.
POF in 9 house means to look near some church, college or law “things” at high shelves or around vacation pictures or travel literature. Also look at library (high shelves) or at school/university.

Direction: Southwest
Near colour: gold, orange, yellow, red, bright colors, pink


Well-known member
Location: it is in the upper part of all rooms or in the room upstairs, near some waters may be a fish tank. Unfrequented places may be...

a pocket or a little closet like.

Direction: North by west - north by east Surly North

surrounding: it is sitting in the mid-air along with something black or old and some monies or a purse.

see near the place where you study or some where you make communications.