Juno in Leo in 7th House soulmate


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Juno is one of the love asteroids. In astrology she rules the marriage or long term romantic relationship that we seek or currently have. Compare your own natal Juno placement with your other's Juno positions. In interpersonal synastry chart comparisons, Juno can be activated by planets, asteroids, and angles (esp ASC or DESC) in marriage partner or significant other natal chart.

I was born with Leo rising, and Juno in Pisces in 7th House. Relationships are key for those with Juno in the seventh. Placed in the house of partnership this person might seek marital, business or professional relationships to last a lifetime. They will be the cornerstone of life. Juno in Pisces wants a special, spiritual bond. They want to share their ideals with their partner. They are attracted to those who are intuitive or sensitive. They enjoy sharing music, spirituality and poetry. They may use their imagination to create the perfect partner.

Relationships are key for those with Juno in the seventh. Placed in the house of partnership this person might seek marital, business or professional relationships to last a lifetime. They will be the cornerstone of life. Juno in Leo wants romance and excitement to be happy. They want a partner they can be proud of and who will admire them as well. They like things to be equal. They are natural showmen and want to share the spotlight. They feel strongly towards their mates. They can also be very generous and loving. They are decisive and seldom change their minds once they are made up.

Note we share 7th House Juno. Her Aqua rising sign means my Leo planet group falls in her 7th House. Leo is warm, loving, and loyal.

One of my favorite Juno House and Sign in life partner chart are Leo Juno in 7th House with Aquarius rising. Here's my fave soulmate born September 30, 1988 with Aquarius 12 rising. Her planets are blue inside.

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