Hopefully, I'll Land This Position?


Premium Member
After the interview we connected as LinkedIn friends. You would think if the answer is no, he would not make this connection.

Thank you for explaining and I am wishing you the best of luck.
This has been a very interesting chart to follow. I appreciate your putting it up and all the successive feedback. Very instructive.


Active member
Update: I got a call from the recruiter today he said that out of all the candidates that were presented and interviewed, "they liked you the most, and pick you" but unforgettably after interviewing me, it looks like their management team when it became time to present an offer they could not agree on the positions defined responsibilities, so they decided to hold off on the hire until their team figures it out.

I told them since I'm currently working I'm not in a rush to leave and will be happy to wait until the team can decide on this roles definition.

Do you think all hope is lost here? Or that they'll eventually agree to this role internally and send me an offer?

dr. farr

Well-known member
Part of Employers is, for me, the key-but I get a 50/50 answer (a maybe answer)

Querent = 1st house = Virgo = Mercury
Part of Employers (moon+saturn-jupiter) falls @ 3 Pisces, significator = Jupiter
:Mercury flows away from the POE = - testimony
:Moon (co-significator) flows toward the POE = + testimony
:Mercury flows toward POE sigificator Jupiter = + testimony
:Moon flows away from POE significator Jupiter = - testimony
:pOE is in a pitted degree = - testimony
:10th whole sign house (which I take as indicative of this type of employment) = Gemini = Mercury, querent = Virgo = Mercury, and Mercury is in domicile in 10th whole sign house Gemini = + testimony

Split right down the middle: 3 + testimonies, 3 - testimonies
BEST I can say is, maybe...


Well-known member
Update: I got a call from the recruiter today he said that out of all the candidates that were presented and interviewed, "they liked you the most, and pick you" but unforgettably after interviewing me, it looks like their management team when it became time to present an offer they could not agree on the positions defined responsibilities, so they decided to hold off on the hire until their team figures it out.

I told them since I'm currently working I'm not in a rush to leave and will be happy to wait until the team can decide on this roles definition.

Do you think all hope is lost here? Or that they'll eventually agree to this role internally and send me an offer?

The bottom question is will u get the job???
Not the one u interviewd for
They will come up with anothrr position
Unless theres qnother company that will give u a better offer