

In sidereal I have Moon-Pluto-Venus- mercury conjunction in libra 9th house.

In western I have Moon-Pluto-Venus- mercury conjunction in the 8th Scorpio.

Sidereal moon 13.44. Venus 11.26 Pluto 14.47 mercury 23.18

So mercury is quite a wide conjunction. My closest is Pluto moon.

Moon conj Venus 2S
Moon conj Pluto 1A
Mercury conj Moon 10A
Mercury conj Pluto 9s
Pluto conj Venus 3A

No Venus/mercury aspects.

If I add in asteroids I’ve a lot going on in that house, if it be the 8th or 9th house.

Can someone with better knowledge help me? I have tried to teach myself astrology the past year but I find it so difficult putting everything together and understanding it as a whole.

Kindest Regards


Well-known member
There is something wrong with your charts, I think. Houses should not change from one zodiac to the other. The actual angular distance from a given planet to the meridian remains the same in either zodiac, and assuming you use the same house system in both charts, house positions should remain constant.

The presence of Pluto with Moon might lend a deceptive or confusing Scorpionic cast to the configuration.


Well-known member
The quandary when just beginning the study of astrology is that you know nothing, yet are compelled to choose this or that system or method without knowledge to guide you.

Choose one system, maybe the one that feels best. Stick to that system; as your experience grows you will be able to make more informed choices and change or experiment as suits you.


i has always used tropical & I would have used Placidus.
But when I was shown sidereal it was in whole sign.

Two different house systems. I’m just confused as to what I should stick with, and what system suits me better.

A Pluto- Moon conj is deep no matter what sign it’s in but maybe a bit deeper in the 8th which is also Scorpio tropical.
Does my Moon take the Pluto quality’s away as it’s the faster planet?

I feel both systems represent something or else I’m just picking the quality’s from each system that I would like to. Maybe I’m being deceptive as such,. Picking & choosing


Well-known member
Whole sign is the original house system and is excellent. Try that one.

I prefer the tropical zodiac because it is earth-centered, and earth is where I live.

It would be better to use the whole chart, even when analyzing just the conjunction.