What career suits me?


Well-known member
Yeah,I know,a lot of threads with similar titles,but what can you do?

Anyway,would someone tell me what career would be best suited for me?I really want to know if it has any relevance with my current interests.

PS: please don't move this to the "Read my chart" section.

[astrological threads which are chart requests which contain no attempt at astrological interpretation are automatically moved to the "Read My Chart" section per Forum rules posted in the description of the "Read My Chart" forum - Moderator]


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Well-known member
another peek at your chart: re: career

In the birth chart we look to indicators and connections involving the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses typically.
The strong Moon connection with Uranus/Neptune/NNode suggests a greater likelihood of success, however you would need to work in something that really keeps your attention, otherwise work can become a drudge. Moon in Virgo: skilled in literature, journalism, writing and in service to others. Ruler of the 6th in favorable condition with Venus and Jupiter could be indicative of some creative activity as well [publishing]; alas it is also in opposition to Saturn, which demands a certain degree of structure and stability. This then could indicate working within the system, relating to fighting for justice, working with the law or involvement with religious organizations. You might want to research the potentialities of these fields as far as turning it into a career. As I have previously mentioned before: The big challenge for you and your peers will be to find innovative ways of creating self-sufficiency in consideration of the major economic downgrading on a global scale that is currently underway. If you have a particular area of expertise or special interest, you would obviously try to focus on developing those areas for career potentialities. Your Capricorn energies could make you suited for a position of authority, or in managerial positions. Consider what you think might be holding you back in your search, on a personal or spiritual level? Then you must consider the combined energies of your Sun, Moon and Rising sign, as to what dominates in your expression of personality. I believe we have touched on that subject in past communications: Pluto rising in Scorpio [power, control, emotional domination]; Sun in Gemini has innate abilities in communications; teaching; the media. At the same time you have to consider your inner yearnings or needs shown by the Moon, indicating a need for organization, practicality and evaluating the special skills you have to offer to the world. There is caution, however, with this sign, that one can become overly picky or perfectionist in gaining what they feel they need for security. Also the energy of Mars, Venus and Jupiter can also be highly dramatic in expression and perhaps overly demanding in your search for perfection. Just some further thoughts for your consideration. Look also to the current transits that are culminating for the next three months for further insights. I wish you a very Happy New Year and success in the pursuit of your dreams.