Indicators of DEBASED and ABJECT women (warning: utterly lascivious /shocking)


Well-known member
JA, I don't know why you act so forgetful,
when in one of the many correspondences we had
we discussed your birth chart in detail,
as ptedious as ptolemy :smile:
if I remember correctly.
Well, anyways it seems like that website is pay-to-use,
in fact charts are free to calculate on that site
free natal chart calculator at
which is something
I don't agree with when is free. :sad:
Instead, I'll provide you with one generated from a free website. Attached
the following is the accurate version



Well-known member
JA, that's a lovely birth chart.

I heard the Cancer rising, or the heliacal rising of Sirius, marked a wet and fertile time for the Egyptians ;)

I get more surprised the more I interpret your chart. I never knew this side of you before! :surprised:


Well-known member
JA's 5th house is the fertile and lustful Mars ruled Scorpio. Coupled with a strong Venus in Libra at the stakes and with a very moist and fecund rising. :surprised:

Certainly s/he achieves the object of his/her desires where s/he embraces them in the secret/hidden 4th house, the subterraneous place, the house of "endings," and with Venus, blessing that house in a night chart, we can certainly say those endings will be of a "happy" quality ;)

JA this is truly shocking. I had no idea you were like this! :surprised:


Well-known member
JA's 5th house is the fertile and lustful Mars ruled Scorpio.
Coupled with a strong Venus in Libra at the stakes
and with a very moist and fecund rising. :surprised:
Certainly s/he achieves the object of his/her desires where s/he embraces them
in the secret/hidden 4th house, the subterraneous place, the house of "endings,"
and with Venus, blessing that house in a night chart, we can certainly say
those endings will be of a "happy" quality ;)
interesting delineation :smile:
JA this is truly shocking.
I had no idea you were like this! :surprised:
des nouvelles pour moi aussi :smile:


Well-known member
Fertile- A sign that indicates growth or multiplicity, typically in regards to children and pregnancy. The fertile signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces; signs whose animal images give birth to a great multitude of offspring at once.

Nineteen hundred seventy-four is the year that they are now planning for sex on the streets in every major city from coast to coast.

And -get ready for a shock- the music that they're planning to use to crumble the morals of America is this rotten, filthy, dirty, lewd, lascivious JUNK called rock and roll.

It isn't just the lyrics, it's the BEAT! I preached it to my conversion story which you can get (inaudible) how this beat gets them 400 teenage girls in Detroit interviewed as to why they had illegitimate babies, they said 'not just the words, the BEAT.'

The fertility rites of the jungles are the same beats incorporated in this modern rock, to stir them up.

(Jack Van Impe)

Taurus: Is reputed more fruitful than barren, being the house of Venus, who is fruitful3, and the exaltation of the Moon4

Cancer is a fruitfull Signe, it being the house of the Moon, and the exaltation of Jupiter3.

Scorpio: Though the house of Mars, yet generally accepted for fruitful.

Pisces: Very fecund and prolificall, being the House of Jupiter and exaltationof Venus, its Signe of many Children.



Well-known member
Fertile- A sign that indicates growth or multiplicity, typically in regards to children and pregnancy. The fertile signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces; signs whose animal images give birth to a great multitude of offspring at once.

Taurus: Is reputed more fruitful than barren,
being the house of Venus, who is fruitful,
and the exaltation of the Moon
Cancer is a fruitfull Signe,
it being the house of the Moon,
and the exaltation of Jupiter.
Scorpio: Though the house of Mars, yet generally accepted for fruitful.
Pisces: Very fecund and prolificall,
being the House of Jupiter
and exaltation of Venus,
its Signe of many Children.
keep in mind also that

is essential
for understanding
how to interpret a planet
in your birth chart
- whether positive or negative.
Learn how to understand dignity by sign, by degree
and even by aspects and conjunctions! :smile:


Well-known member
I think having a thread is crucial in traditional astrology that is often ignored today. Thankfully, we have many surviving works to help us discern this important and crucial topic.

Of course, this is just for educational purposes. It's absolutely useful to know in vivid detail, especially their specific proclivities that are dependent on the planetary configurations, such as the type and nature of the evil actions, e.g. dominance (unnatural), aggression (approaching a man), liberality (excess sex), nymphomania, lesbianism, exhibitionism, etc. Knowing the specific acts, the characteristics, attributes, features, and peculiarities, will give you the knowledge of conduct, of such you can stay away from them of course :joyful:

I shall start.

In the Complatio de astorum scientia, written by Leopold of Austria says:
Et si nascitur mulier et martis est sic ut dicitur est in signo femino: quae nascitur meretrix erit."
Which basically means that if a woman is born under a feminine astrological sign, such as Taurus, and Mars is in that sign, then the woman will be a whore.

In the Wife of Bath's own damning testimony of her passionate and scandalous nature: Myn ascendent was Taur, and Mars therinne. / Allas, allas! That ever love was synne

Information above taken from Edgar S. Laird's Mars in Taurus at the Nativity of the Wife of Bath(English language Notes, 1990) where he talks about when the Wife of Bath in the Canterbury Tales talks about her Mars-Taurus causing her amorous nature. She was considered one of the first prototypes of feminist behavior in literature, which was deeply unnatural at the time.

Some more bold quotes from this shocking woman:
For certes, I am al Venerien
In feelynge, and myn herte is Marcien
Venus me yaf my list, my likerousnesse
And Mars yaf me my study hardynesse

Evers, Jim W, own analysis in "Some Implications of Caucer's Use of Astrology in the Canterbury Tales, Duke University (1971)" gives us insight on her nature.
"The Wife makes every effort to portray herself as a vital, aggressive woman; and her abundant and color autobiographical insertions illustrating the Mars-Venus influence upon her life forshadow her militantly feminist ideas on her announced subject--"Wo that is in marriage.""

The completed quote of the Wife of Bath:

I folwed ay myn inclinacioun
By vertu of my constellacioun
That made me I koude noght withdrawe
My chambre of Venus from a good felawe
Yet I have Martes mark upon my face,
And also in another privee place

The author them attempts to rectify her chart based on these lustful aspects. Though, according to them, it seemed more likely that Mars was not in the sign alone, but was in conjunction with Mars, 'as the Wife associates the influence of Venus with Mars.'

Unfortunately, my Mars in in a feminine sign. :sad:

Nothing showcases derangement like rehashing contemptuous misogyny. Who isn't aware many of the ancients whose work survived (furthered by sycophants), were terrified of women, because they themselves were both closeted and practicing homosexuals, much like today?

Dragging out this shameful refuse only goes to show that you're bereft of intelligent, balanced woman. With your skewed bigotries, intellectual women avoid you at all costs. You set no woman back, only yourselves.

How glorious it would, and perhaps someday will be, to peruse the lost books of Alexandria and the wisdom squandered beneath the vatican, that transcend such base chaff and the pathetic bastards who promote it.

For shame.


Well-known member
I want to bump this thread because more and more people are quitting their jobs to do sex work online to make ends meet (onlyfans, etc.). In fact savvy people seem to be making more money this way...


Well-known member
I want to bump this thread
more and more people are quitting their jobs
to do sex work online
to make ends meet (onlyfans, etc.).
In fact savvy people seem to be making more money this way...
keep in mind that

is essential
for understanding
how to interpret a planet
in your birth chart
- whether positive or negative.
Learn how to understand dignity by sign, by degree
and even by aspects and conjunctions! :smile: