Mercury in Cancer Peregrine? Face and Term?


Well-known member
What happens when the planet is in face and term? Is it Still in Peregrine?

I got Mercury at 19 Cancer conjunct Castor. How would this effect me?


Well-known member
If Mercury is more than 19 degrees exactly, then it doesn't hold term in Cancer. But it does hold face, and face is enough to keep it from being peregrine.


Well-known member
If Mercury is more than 19 degrees exactly, then it doesn't hold term in Cancer. But it does hold face, and face is enough to keep it from being peregrine.

Of Mercury, his signification, nature and property

from William Lilly's Christian Astrology

TERMS. He hath these degrees in every Sign for his Terms.

In CANCER, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

FACE. These subsequent degrees are his Faces or Decanate:

In CANCER, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

How does it not hold term?


Well-known member
I don't use Lilly's terms, I use the Egyptian ones, and in those, Mercury's term in Cancer ends at 19 degrees.

There is some controversy over Ptolemaic terms, as you know. Deb Houlding did a wonderful article, as well as an experimental table of Ptolemaic terms gleaned from the knowledge we have now compared to Lilly's table - and Mercury in Cancer is one of the terms that's in dispute by a couple of degrees.

Find Deb's article - with tables - here:

It's a good read, but for your situation it's splitting hairs. Any essential dignity is enough to keep a planet from being peregrine, and Mercury definitely has face at 19 Cancer. So it's not peregrine.