It looks like a yes??


Well-known member
Are you seeing anyone?

There is an aspect, both dignified however Saturn is in his own house and in detriment of Moon plus rx, so we have here an unwilling suitor. He may reject you and may not be very loving and affectionate. But he may change his mind and return.
It can also be an ex returning. There is also an imbalance here with Moon/Saturn relationship, Moon is very inferior to Saturn. Saturn can be a bit nasty here. But Moon is dignified and will be alright and can make things happen. Its not all about 'poor Moon'. However I'm not liking the Moon/Uranus conjunction, it is separative and may suggest sudden events that are not in good nature. Perhaps affecting your own behaviour. Unpredictable. Wild emotions. Also Saturn is conjunct SN negative impact on Saturn.

Not sure this is marriage... but it might be.