

Well-known member
An ideology (Uranus is the one with ideas being air) of darkness (Pluto likes to make people suffer)

Surely here is a perfect demonstration of the two elements.

The original intention, as far as I know, was to release people from the shackles of a regime of hereditary privileges.

The original concept had nothing to do with deliberatingly wanting to make people suffer.


Well-known member
Someone somewhere at sometime on this forum, used the phrase industrio-military complex. I scanned this thread and couldn't find it. Apparently Eisenhower warned the US of the growth of this type of power and its thread to democracy when leaving office.

It just occurred to me that maybe an Aries-Capricorn square could refer to just a thing, as Aries is military and Capricorn could be industrial, and Uranus and Pluto are about power and democracy and all sorts of craziness.

Think how steeped into our culture this idea has become. Anyone watching American tv... Lost, Heroes, Prison Break, all these shows feature secret all powerful industrial-military 'Companies' that undermine government. And the idea that Africa is ruled by multinationals.

I was also thinking that in this past era Uranus has heralded breakthroughs that Neptune then makes more mainstream and creates unseen consequences before Pluto has to deal with the mess.

So... Uranus in Capricorn heralds the end of the Cold War, and new governments, new States, a new world order... the UN becomes effective in the Gulf War for the first time in ages.

Neptune in Capricorn shows the inherent failures of the system (before Uranus was even there) and dissolves State power. The 1990s is famous for many States being labelled as 'failed'. For the first time in history anarchy becomes quite commonplace. Rule by mobs and corruption endemic in Africa. Think of the Taleban and now Pakistan as failed States too.

Meanwhile Pluto in Sagittarius is giving power to the media. And in a rather complementary way Uranus is heralding the telecommunications and silicon valley revolution. Neptune in Aquarius makes this available to the masses, but already dissolves at the weaknesses... it would be interesting to see how Neptune relates to the burst dot com bubble as a trigger and a cause. And Neptune brings the illegal and unregulated side of the internet as Pluto causes fanaticism.

So now Pluto is in Capricorn and it must deal with these failed and rogue States such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa in general and alot of other places. Meanwhile States that weren't failed are becoming more authoritarian, and who knows what the future will bring. Oh wait that's what we're here for :O

So I would think that Uranus in Pisces is heralding some new advancement in Piscean things... oil and energy, medicine and pharmaceuticals, who knows. And Neptune when entering Pisces will cause chaos to these things... maybe dissolving religious institutions and causing unregulated pharmaceuticals and scandals... toxic water systems (ie mercury in water supplies, traces of Prozac have already been found in tap water in London.) Drought.

And so Uranus in Aries might see advanced technology in the military. Maybe son of Star Wars type stuff. But as I've said Uranus I think shows the spearhead that is not really available to the public until Neptune arrives. And the public like causing chaos. As Uranus Neptune and Pluto move further apart these processes shall become more confused and will take longer to be felt. Progress will be slower to filter down to the people.

So when the Uranus-Pluto square happens, the Uranus side I think might be more hidden from the public as most military secrets are. But it will cause consternations with the Pluto in Capricorn which is mopping up Neptune's mess. We may see the clashes between authoritarian governments but might not fully understand them.

Think of the current Israeli-Gaza conflict. It was not just Hamas' firing that caused Israel to act in such a way. Apparently a big factor was the developing technology that Hamas had, which included rockets that finally had a range long enough to make them very dangerous.

A similar thing could be said of Iran and its nuclear programme.

Whaddaya think?
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Well-known member
...wish i could find his blog now...had an astrometeorologist friend that mentioned to me once about 2010 having some very strong storm triggers, solar and terrestrial, and wild swings in temperature
one of them was aug 13, the other..some time in october...
i find the solar-cycle link to volcanic activity on earth interesting...

heres a helio-lineup for aug 13
