Can I trust it?


I started getting into cartomancy recently and decided to have a reading by a professional reader. She did an elaborate spread that predicts things about your future like career, kids, home situation etc. I got the reading, it was detailed and nice...but too nice. I'm hesitant to believe it because I kept getting this vibe that she was telling me what she thought I wanted to hear. It sounded too phony. However, it could be skepticism on my part since I never had a card reading before so it was new to me. My question is can I trust the reading/reader? Or in other words, can I trust that the reading (and reader) were accurate? Was it legit or was she pulling my leg?

I'm Venus, she and the reading are the 7th house--Mars (retrograde!! :whistling:) which do not aspect each other. I'm already instinctively going with "no" because me and the reading/reader are not connecting and she's retrograde (perhaps holding something back, like the truth?). I'm also not liking Moon in the 12th house of secrets. It makes me think there was more deception and withholding of information from her end:bandit:. But maybe I'm biased. Anyone see anything they'd like to add?


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