Will I get the job?


Well-known member
Is there any indication as to why?
Thats an interesting question

you mentioned neptune, the medieval astrologers dont believe anyone should use it but you never know, it might mean what you say.

Gemini is communication and mars is conflict.
So that's one possibility.

mercury retro is opposite saturn retro in first, that is also communication.

So maybe you will get into a verbal sparring match with someone?

The fact that all these 3 sigs. are in the 8th house is possibly an indication of death of the job.

Communication leading to the end of the job.


Well-known member
Yeah that's something they don't really teach in school or university.

It's something that can be learned with years of experience though, it just ***** to have to learn a skill which you are bad at, in front of everyone!

Imagine if you could only learn to play guitar in front of a crowd instead of in your bedroom, pretty embarrassing.


Staff member
You could always change the picture by applying for more jobs. That way, you might get another job that's much better for you than this one seems to be shaping up to be.

There's also such a thing as self fulfilling prophecy. If you keep asking horary questions, that changes your expectations, and your expectations will in turn affect what happens in real life. If you don't apply for other jobs because you're certain you'll get this one, that changes the outcome, and if you get this one, you'll go into it expecting a bad experience because of this horary thread... and you'll act accordingly. And if you don't get this job after all, what will you think of horary astrology?

There's a thread somewhere on this board where someone posted a chart they'd cast for a "Will I get this job?" question after applying for a job--only they didn't post it here at the time they cast it, they waited until after they had gotten the job and then posted the question and chart to see how people would interpret it. Everyone who read the chart thought it looked like a no.

I'm not saying horary astrology isn't valid, but is it really a good job searching tool? Especially on a discussion board where there's much more interest in horary astrology than there is real expertise? I know we have a few horary experts on here, but most of the posts are made by amateurs who don't necessarily know it well enough to give sound advice.